Potentially double use for space launches.
Potentially double use for space launches.
360 km or 194 nautic miles is the inter-port distance.
From the mouth of the beast https://developer.hashicorp.com/nomad/docs/nomad-vs-kubernetes What I have read online is that Nomad can have issues at large scale. No personal experience.
In any case since now OpenShift and Nomad are both under IBM’s umbrella there is space for an enterprise Kubernetes distribution, if someone is brave enough.
Nomad isn’t a real alternative to Kubernetes/OpenShift.
Question is also whether antichinese sanctions are contributing.
Full human equivalent across all capabilities. Gen AI fails pretty much everywhere.
There is no real AI out there, yet.
Why not postfix?
Good luck with that.
8 tons? I wonder how InP on mylar PV would scale up for power density to mass. It would probably be dual-useable as a solar sail too.
I’m more interested in use of APUs like Strix Halo for machine learning for 16+ GB memory size. If only they would also start using HBM in-package…
You might find your responses here a bit biased.
My first one was a random floppy distribution off an ftp server. I then tried SuSE off a CD-ROM and then went with Red Hat for a while. Then Debian, now Ubuntu. Tried FreeBSD but didn’t stick. Probably Debian again next. I always prefer Debian on the server though.
Quarter century for me.
Many people run rented servers with capacity to spare.
Nice. Where is power port on a hooker? Eh, nevermind.
I use photovoltaics, but not insular blackstart-capable battery buffered so when the grid is down I also have no power. Next year, though. Seems it’s 2000 EUR minimum.
Yes, that’s called StarLink. Definitely a good option, if you make your own power.
And run 2 or 3 uplinks to different ISPs so that you’re never offline.
No, that captures just the neuroanatomy. Not the properties like density of ion channels, type, value of the synapse and all the things we don’t know yet.