Mr lover man obviously.
Mr lover man obviously.
Welcome to being older. The magic goes and the cynisism sets in. There is still hope though. If you can clear your eyes of the razzle dazzle of unfettered consumerism, you can realise it’s a nice time to spend with those you care about. Makes it an even better time of the year. Edit. I realise that sounds too flippantly jolly. My point was that for all of human history this has been a festival to stave off the deprivations of starving and freezing. I just feel this< angle is a good way to look at it.
Linoleum is also antibacterial, which is a good property for a kitchen floor.
That every time people had sex, the woman became pregnant. I thought that every sex scene in a film meant the film had to be stopped for 9 months until the actress could give birth.
Da na da na da na da na Bat Eyes!
These are both subjectively true.
Clarke’s third law. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Quicksand thing is fucking stupid though.
In ancient Rome, the sitting emperor often would choose a successor from, well anybody really, often not even a relation. They then adopted that person. If one has to have hereditary rulers, this seems a fairly sensible way to go about it.
This very much depends on your level of skill, experience and awareness of the dunning-kruger effect.
Not sure how your feed is organised, but on mine mohodeve’s comment is directly below yours. Or is that what you consider a boring average high school experience?
“Queer” is probably the only one that has (mostly?) been.
Neat whisky. You don’t need to drink it if you don’t want, just gently swirl it around your mouth for a while and spit it out.
Anything from Amazon.
Sunglasses. There’s very little difference in terms of UV protection between cheap and expensive glasses and at the rate I scratch or break them it would be idiotic to spend a lot of money on them.
Headrush. It’s part of the appeal! Funny story, I once stood up too quickly and as I opened the door to leave the room I had a headrush. I grabbed the top of the door for support, but also fell against it trapping my fingers, so I yanked it back and smacked the door into my face, so I pushed it away and trapped my fingers in the top. Good times.
Nearly. The first name is pronounced “Chris”. Doubt that’ll stop a Starfleet captain with a bloodlust for innocent victims of transporter accidents though.
And, I’ve just found out, very easy to remember how to spell.
Common enough that they should really make them with flared bases.