Shower thought: what if the defence budget of every country would be donated to open source software instead of killing devices?
Do not trust anything I write down. I have this horrible habit of not checking sources.
Shower thought: what if the defence budget of every country would be donated to open source software instead of killing devices?
you are entirely correct., and the first person to spot my simple math mistake.
thanks for correcting 😊
Ok. Let’s say we have 4 hour workdays, 4 day work weeks. Not just for white collar.
A business would require to hire 2 more people to cover a 24h continuous prosuction line (3 8h shifts to 5 4h shifts).
there would be more employment and higher productivity. More happiness I suspect.
I’d take it.
I found dating apps may be helpful. I’m personally partial to romeo as I trust it most in terms of privacy over grindr.
I’m not a person who goes out a lot to parties or dancing.
Yes, it’s called droid-ify. It’s on the official F-droid repo and is fully FOSS.
I installed droid-ify, an alternative front-end for F-Droid, it comes with a whole bunch of repo’s by default.
I agree. Moving to another country, even if it is on paper requires money. So does a therapist. I’m in a better position than op and I don’t get a therapist although I could use one.
Self study is important though. speaking from experience with the same life experience as op, learning a new trade and going with it has changed my life for the better by a lot. finding the right (paying) employerin the trade is a bit of work (years). some jobs just don’t pay enough to live off. I know it’s wrong.
A tip I can give op is to put the savings in a bank account you don’t have access to. in the same of somebody else. I went through a period of cash only. This was pre-smartphone, so transfers between accounts required me to go to the bank. Perhaps move financial applications to a secondary phone if you have one, or install when needed.
Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Lots of dating happening on IRC. had my first date there as well
I hope the foundation of your house is deeper than that.