Yep. They just pull things you monitor as they show up in your feeds (in my case Usenet newsgroup indexes)
For example. My wife like Billions, new episode/season came out and it jus popped up in my plex server the other day
Yep. They just pull things you monitor as they show up in your feeds (in my case Usenet newsgroup indexes)
For example. My wife like Billions, new episode/season came out and it jus popped up in my plex server the other day
It’s fine but a lot of forms and sites won’t work with it. Like legit will say is not a valid address.
So I would suggest a “normal” .com, .net., or ccTLD like .us. Those I haven’t seen that issue for.
Also some gTLDs will get automatic spam scores and stuff. .zip is probably gonna be on a ton of blocklists etc.
It’s good to know where you are spending money, what your monthlies are. Where you can cut down and nickel and dime. Helps with things at the macro level with patterns. Especially with the new found subscription service culture.
I use quickens auto budget, kinda, but if I go over it’s whatever. We live well below our means overall. We pay our CCs off in full each month etc.
It also helps with taxes for things like write offs (though the standard deduction is almost always still the best deal for me) and helps when deciding on bigger spend projects etc (ie: house fixes, cars etc). Like if I have had to put a ton of money into a car and it gets close to the point of the value, is it better to get a new car? Well with quicken I can very quickly go look and see exactly how much I have spent on my truck in the last year.
It’s been a while since I tried it, along with gnucash and some other web based self hosted budget project that was abandoned.
I les s want the budgeting aspect but more the itemizing and ledger/balancing features. I use the budget to predict and track certain spending but often it’s more just tracking purchases and consolidating transaction spending. Even quicken kinda sucks at auto categorization, but does well enough.
It’s a general term used to denote that two companies of the same/very similar sectors are in bed with each other with an arrangement that is exclusive and specifically designed to keep outsiders out
I work in IT. Redundancy and high availability are not just IT terms to me.
Companies like Intuit aka Quicken pay large sums of money to not only access banking API’s but also lobby heavily to keep them closed source. They also make sure that other access to the same API’s come at a higher rate so that competitiors will pay more for access or support when things break. Its why theres very few alternatives and of what alternatives there is either generally requires you to setup your own export/import system for transactions or is backed by huge sums of VC (ie: Mint, which is also now owned by intuit).
Similar to how companies like TaxAct or TurboTax (another Intuit brand) lobby heavily to make tax filing overcomplicated and confusing AF so they can sell tax filing services. Even getting to the free file is purposefully designed to push to you pay some company 350 bucks to tell the government what you made (which they already know and tell you in your tax filing).
Basically banks and merchants (or more accurately their processing systems used by banks and made by companies like Jack Henry, FIS etc) are in co-hoots to avoid progress and keep their walled guarden closed.
I really wish there was a FOSS alternative that supported the autodownload of transactions across my plethora of banks/accounts (some I even chose specifically for better integration) but its sooo incestuous that theres really not much and what alternatives are available are usually cloud based where you cant guarantee the security of all your financial data.
I went from stumbleupon/fark, slashdot/google reader, digg, reddit, lemmy.
My account on reddit is pretty old. Like in the 17 years old area.
Digg i was on until the first exodus. (It wasnt just one migration, it happened in 2-3 waves). I actually like G4TechTV and diggnations show (amongst a few others like Hak5 etc)
. When i was a kid my wicked step mom made shredded chicken and drowned it in sweet baby rays bbq sauce. I had to eat a bowl full of it. It was so disgusting that it ruined the whole brand for me even 10 years later.
Yeah. that sounds terrible. ITs like A1 on a steak. Its so sweet I gotta use it very sparingly. I was just fuckin around though!
Yeah you gotta break that loop.
Shooting is a great way to relieve stress tbh. I’d find a smith in town you are comfortable with (i know its a weird community). Often the fixes are pretty quick too, especially if they have parts. Just be cognizant of your feelings with shit like that, dont do anything rash and maybe have a friend or someone you can trust that may be willing to hold the piece for a while if needed. But the biggest thing is breaking the cycle.
Fishing, hunting are huge weekend time sucks for me. It gets me away from technology, having to figure out patterns and Im gonna be honest theres nothing like seeing the world wake up in the morning. I also will just go hiking/exploring. Like I said though, learning guitar is one that has helped me where I dont have weekends I can disappear.
You mentioned Dinosaurs. Depending on where you are, theres plenty of places to go looking for things like arrow heads, fossills and shit like that.
You’re right about flirting with coworkers. Fortunately I don’t think I’ve done it so much that it’s begun to define me. There’s this one woman who works with me and she’s just so great. I want to ask her out but we have different days off and the nice restaurants I’d take her don’t open until mid day- when we have to sleep for work.
You can break that. One thing i did in my younger years to break habits (smoking etc) was wear a rubber band and just give myself a little pop if I felt I wanted a cig etc. But the big thing is just to stop. Friendly banter in the break room is one thing, but (and not saying you are) but just chill out on stopping by peoples workspace etc to chat for a while. DO you thing and head home.
I’m not sure if you ever saw the r/RelationshipAdvice subreddit but one the questions asked on almost every thread is “What value do you bring to a relationship?” And I’ve never been able to satisfactorily answer that question. I mean I’m just an average guy. I can’t offer much beyond companionship and trivia about dinosaurs. Even my hobbies aren’t relatable for most women. Still I know a wife isn’t going to just fall in my lap, it’s one of those things you have to work towards.
If its one thing I have found, thats a load of shit. THere are women that like dinosaurs for sure. Tons of women like shooting and going out in nature and shit. I havent been in the dating game in a long time, but Ill say what it took for me to break from picking up women at bars and shit (which werent people I would bring home to family) was to just think of it like making a guy friend. Do shit that would interest you and see what pans out, or try new shit. As soon as I did that, and just said “im not picking someone up”, women started showing interest. My wife was met at a co-workers Barbeque etc. I was younger, but still. SOOO many dudes treat women as objects, just simply talking to them and listening like you would another guy is all it takes. But even still, my wife and I dont share too many hobbies. We just tend to watch shows and shit and like to go find places to eat and whatever. In our younger years we did a bit more together in the hobby realm, but kids change you. But even then, I have to keep certain things (like fishing, hunting, shooting, etc) to stay centered. Its a lifelong endeavor there.
Just avoid relationships were bonding is based in trauma (ie: you are both depressed). Those never fuckin work.
Part of me says I shouldn’t have to try so hard that I’m not acting like myself, and the other part of me says that I need to be an exceptional person to stand out among the other men she might meet.
Most women dont want to be impressed and the ones that do arent worth it. What many that are worth the time want is just to be treated like a person, respected for what they can do and bring to the table and what their strengths are. Just be yourself, and honest (well maybe not too honest) but professional. If it happens it happens, dont force it. But personally, she likely has boundaries with with work. Dudes can often have flings with co-workers but if a woman does it, its becomes a stigma and can affect their career in a big way. Its like the saying “you fuck one goat and you are a goat fucker for life”. So you gotta respect that and dont shit where you eat and if you do, never tell a goddam soul but she would need to make the first pass in my book.
I think you’re right about money not equaling happiness. I never wanted to be a millionaire, i just want enough to entertain my hobbies occasionally.
From experience. Hes right. See my other comment.
Also, wast this thread about Sweet Baby Rays?
I don’t have enough enough money to move into my own place, and even though that’s my goal, that’s what I’d define as success, I’m not sure that’d make me happy
It wont. You’d be lonely then.
That said. What keeps you centered? What keeps you from burning out?
just a little bit of flirting with my coworkers
Dont do that. Its messy. Dont shit where you eat or put off the vibes. You gotta separate it out.
I’ll asl again, What keeps you centered? What keeps you from burning out?
gonna be honest. Sounds like a shit therapist anyway. Theres tons of em, high on education low on experience or worse, more fucked up and got into it trying to fix themselves. Id bet my left nut betterhelp is chock full of em too, but it wont hurt to look, id still say keep it local if you can. If you are at that point, keep looking though. A decent one that clicks can do wonders.
Personally, i find what helps me is
A good sleep routine. Not drunk passed out good sleep, but solid 8 hours. I take some meds that help that arent habit forming and can be stopped at any time.
Exercise. Even just walking and podcasts. It helps clear your mind and the heartrate.
Some un-work-related hobby that I can get frustration out with. You dont even have to be good. Musical instruments, working on shit/fixing shit, exploring/hiking etc etc. Basically anything and it can always shift around. Just something to do in downtime that engages that part of your brain.
NGL, 2 and 3 can be hard. I often have to push through the “fuck this, whats the point” or “dont wanna be up doing this shit right now” parts at the beginning, but 9/10 its worth it. Once i stopped chasing women and just focused on 3 things start coming naturally. You wont even need to “flirt” its where the “just be yourself” comes from.
And before you say “ya ya, you dont know me”. I went from living in my car in college/young adult hood to making solid money with a family. Its doable. The depression never goes away, its like addiction. But you gotta learn how to deal with it and keep it in check. A good therapist can help you find that. If they are just driving you to meds or something, ditch them unless you are like full on legit bi-polar or something (then you gotta be on meds, it is what it is)
Heres my trick. I use a braising brush and brush it on the chicken (or ribs, or turkey) BEFORE i cook it.
The brown sugar one especially. Ill also add a little of my own seasoning if i want.
Just a thin coat makes a glaze. Its all you need. Cook and eat.
Everyone_disliked _that.jpg
Cellphones and streaming devices often have extremely limited space allowed for caching content and aren’t designed for serving content but are heavily used for consuming content. Most younger users aren’t watching YouTube from a browser, it’s mostly coming from phones and streaming devices. Android may be less stringent but Apple is very aggresive in how the caching can be used and managed.
. Additionally because cell phone usage is often 99.99% used to download and bandwidth on a cell services is generally treated as aggregate they will often only Qos tcp acks and heavily deprioritize literally everything else to make room for download bandwidth.
How does that work for people using things like cell phones and or streaming devices or those behind cgnat such as many cell carriers use?
A lot of folks that use services like YouTube are not doing so on devices equipped to donate bandwidth.
I mean just some basic calculations. 10 minute video at 1080p running 8 Mbps compression.
That’s 600 MB per video in bandwidth.
Times that by….30,000 streams and boom. 18 TB of data. And that’s probably not even “viral.”
Even if fully decentralized. Many vps providers and isp have bandwidth limits. One video on your self hosted channel goes viral and boom. Instance is down.
I would agree with most of what you said.
There are also a not-insignifigant number of people that struggle when at home 100%. Some people are rock stars and able to just get stuff done. But a lot of people are not, sadly, organized enough to handle such an unstructured environment and able to still be effective.
This isnt a new thing due to covid or the move, but a LOT of folks just do better with a hard separation of work/life and a lot of folks arent self aware enough to know they need it.
As someone that can and has worked remote, and chooses to come back, it can be frustrating working with people that struggle with these things, and I definitely see differences between home work and office work in some. I actually work in an office because its much easier to maintain balance. I tend to work too much from home and it causes burnout but I also have kids/family that come home early and dont really understand that just because im home doesnt mean i can sit down and talk at their convenience. What I mean is that work/life balanace is harder. So i choose to commute 99% of the time and can WFH when needed.
But i have one guy that had had this issue chronically for years where he often struggles to communicate, is easily distracted, often needed to be micro managed or have his tasks organized, prioritized and in some cases, even steps spelled out. He does well enough to mostly be of help (so hes not gonna get fired), but he complains about lack of upward mobility or lack of raises, but when the SHTF, hes always got excuses locked and loaded about why hes behind or cant complete a project/task.
Conversely I have a guy thats AMAZING from wherever. Never has issues and is always way ahead of the curve. Hes also full time remote but excels at it.
It just depends on the person in a lot of cases and frankly, in my very small use cases, many/most arent the type that are capable of the self discipline needed for the task. Now that said Im not at google or one of those places that hires rockstars in buckets, so they reasons they are RTO are likely different from my orgs.
Of my team, i would say at least a cool 60% are just much less…themselves from home and easily distracted. Either because they segment their life (which is fine and awesome, i do that too), or because they dont have a good setup at home, or because they are just too easily distracted at home.