Poseidon Adventure
Which of the 3 movies and 1 book we talking here
Poseidon Adventure
Which of the 3 movies and 1 book we talking here
Those weren’t even the main complaints about the game, I actually remember being there
The game had shit animations and a ton of bugs on TOP of being a less interesting game even when compared directly to just ME1
It can help, yes - but a large percentage of the 38 to 49 million modern day slaves still exist in otherwise fully legal businesses.
Fun fact: the majority of people trafficked in the world are for sex purposes, so if you make it far easier to shut down that market, it damages all the other slave markets too
I get that you’re trying to bring awareness or whatever but both comments so far read more like “not worth legalizing sex work when other slaves still exist”
Making something illegal almost never outright stops it
It does make it significantly easier to regulate a market if it’s legal than if it’s not, so the EXTRA illegal shit goes down when markets are legalized
I already tried that, thus my frustration. Only so many times you can have them respond in an annoyed manner with that “of course we won’t fuck it up” attitude only for it to be messed up in the same way again
My willingness to creat things for other people.
Less depressingly: the local pizza shop fucked up my order 1 too many times. Faith in them has been destroyed, which sucks cuz they’re a decently priced mom and pop kind of place, but I can only accept a wrong/missing item if I get a refund if it’s not literally half or more of the time I go to your place of business!
We started a business together and after landing our first client together (not one we brought in as a pre existing relationship) we went out drinking to celebrate. We both drank the same stuff, same amounts (and I’ve had far more before), yet I was more fucked than ever, to the point I’m convinced the dude drugged me. I have 0 memory of leaving the bar, going 5 blocks away after calling our ride, gashing my head open (twice), or how I was “so limp I could barely stand let alone walk” none of which sounds like me when I’m drunk at ALL
He also spent that whole time shit talking me to my wife, something he’s previously done to other “friends” he felt were leaving him for significant others
Because OSM doesn’t already do that for them? Every edit is saved under your account, as has been said, they don’t need to do any of that
Paranoia that someone doing something that you’re explicitly allowing them to do makes you look silly, you know
It was cool for a while but my area is mostly done, even with expanded quests it was basically “what is the road surface here” and “what kind of power pole is this” exclusively
I also very much hate the incredibly limited areas you’re allowed to download, a 2x2 city block area size limit made me babe to download like 8 map sections desperately for the rural area I live in, and that’s JUST for the housing part. If I want to include the nearby lake and part it’ll be like 3pl0 more
French press is basically the same work as a drip machine, but a different shape. You just heat the water seperately and then pour it and the coffee into the French press, let it sit, press the plunger down, and pour. Actually takes slightly less time than any cheap dropper I’ve used and runs 0 risk of burning the coffee (drip machines like to put heating elements into their bases to keep the pot hot, this can burn the coffee and ruin the flavor, French presses cannot burn coffee because they cannot add heat)
Espresso is finely ground coffee that uses steam pressure to brew (thus why espresso machines are fucking expensive, my mr coffee unit was 80 buck), it’s an involved process (worth learning gif you’ve got 20m to make a cup of coffee every time) but very good if you use beans you like AND you like your coffee flavor strong
Fair enough, I figured being a Lemmy user was enough indication that I’m a legit Linux user that’s annoyed by this, but yeah I see what you mean
I refuse to edit it and will eat the karma as it lands, as is my fate
E: ah, someone else did basically the same joke I did but they left an obviously legit review, so mine looks like I’m making fun of them. My comment is older, or theirs went up as I made mine, but I totally see what the issue is now, mines beneath theirs and looks like sarcasm at them
I seem to have angered some people, the downvotes are almost equal with the ups lol
Its not series to anyone who thinks it is, I play on Linux because I have it, I don’t cheat. If you think I’m somehow making EA think we’re actually cheaters: they don’t read the reviews you silly goose
I’m doing my part!
This remains my #1 complaint every time they send me a “how are we doing” survey
I check, then reply:
Your email app still doesn’t support basic functionality like creating and editing filters, something I had to code for a phone app back in high school
Like, holy shit, the feature exists on desktop why the fuck can’t I have it in the app rreeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Giving your vote to an independent or worse not voting at all, just gives more of a chance for Trump to win the election
If you don’t live in one of the 7 states that matter in an election then you can vote your morality, safe in the knowledge that the EC will ignore your input, anyway
Inb4 some dipshit mentions down ballots when we’re talking about the fucking presidential election
Direwolves or similar sentient beasts that otherwise exist in our world (owls and foxes are common tropes for this too)
The idea of something that is basically what we know from our world but with increased stats and communication is really cool
So those are actually the exact same thing, apparently
More googling lead to the smarties Wikipedia page, which says the Dee family also owns Swizzles Marlow, and the first product on their page? Refreshers, bi-concave candy disks!
on your furniture?!
Carpet counts as furniture?
Otherwise, no, I don’t tend to walk on my tables, chairs, and couch very often. If I do need to do that for some reason I tend to do it barefoot for the grip, tho
I don’t really do this but I knew people who did growing up so I’ve got experience:
Laced shoes go on for big outdoor trips. If you’re walking around your yard or the immediate area it’s loafers/flip-flops/Crocs/etc, something you can slip on/off easily as you come in/out the house
It’s not really much of a time investment at all except if you live where it gets rainy and muddy, because then youre gonna put on more hardcore outdoor shoes like wellies
Terminal based text editors are garbage in the eyes of most people
Notepad++ is the simplicity of notepad with a few extra features to make it exactly what most people neef