What don’t you like about ZorinOS?
I’ve noticed a similar decrease in quality. I have no evidence but I’m guessing they threw gen ai in gboard. Do yourself and the planet a favor, try using a non gen ai keyboard. I’m using futoboard and it’s pretty decent
What do you do when a new update comes out and breaks all your mods? I think thats the biggest thing keeping me from jumping back into stellaris. I’ve been playing off and on for years. 3+ times I’ve decided to boot up stellaris, find my mod list super outdated. Spent 30 to 90 minutes fixing stuff. Then like a week later a new update comes out and a bunch of mods break. I stop playing cuz I need to wait for the mods to be updated. Love the game but the constant mods breaking makes playing a game a chore
Omg yes! Was going to say this
The 2nd and third time tho?