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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • First, sandvine calls it an app for legacy reasons, but 100% that is the bit torrent protocol. I have insider knowledge that this is the case. So don’t get hung up on that. But you’re right to doubt them. They are a shell of what they once were. Their fixed deployments are quite small now and do not represent fiber at all, which just hit over 50% in availability in dense US areas. Sandvine is still in Comcast at 100% coverage and in Cox, but they’re tiny. Sandvine is a bit sparse in mobile, but still there solidly. I believe that bit torrent is rare in mobile. Like no shit. I believe them that it’s down in fixed copper (dsl and cable). But they’re missing 100% of fiber. Sandvine does pattern recognition primarily. It used to be great. I suspect it’s still pretty good. They claim better than 90% accuracy. I’m sure the data they have is correct. But what they get from their customers is definitely questionable at times. They’ve made some huge mistakes in the past, grabbing data for too short a period of time or not across a broad enough customer base. I’m sure that’s still the case. What we need is someone like Kentik, Deepfield, and anyone else doing flow correlation to release a report. But they won’t because no company gives away that kind of data anymore. So we’re stuck guessing.

  • The stock market should not exist. Investing in companies is fine, but we shouldn’t be able to buy our sell investment shares like a commodity.

    All subsidies should not exist. They only alter the supply/demand in unnecessary and damaging ways. This must come with ending commodities trading like stock market investing.

  • Thru is a word only in the sense that kleen, kwik, kut, tuff, chik, nite, lite, tho, etc are words. It’s called cacography or eye dialect and is the result of marketing and advertising agencies not being able to copyright common phrases. When the terms enter colloquial language, they’re still used but not copyrighted as the incorrect spelling still draws your attention.

  • I’m sorry but you’re wrong here. Kids need to learn that everyone is different and everyone is not treated the same. The oft liar is never trusted. The fat kid is probably the one that stole the candy. The nerdy kid probably did most of the group work. If you get good grades, the teacher gives you more slack in some areas.

    And your example sucks. Putting your head down and “listening” is not the same thing as sitting up and paying attention to a lecture but not taking notes.

    Don’t get me wrong. I see where you’re coming from and agree generally, but on academics, there’s too many different ways to learn. Whatever someone figures out that works best for them should be left to that if their marks are good every evaluation.