I think you can just be grateful to have or experience something. Like you can’t be grateful to anyone for a full moon, but you can be grateful that you saw it.
I think you can just be grateful to have or experience something. Like you can’t be grateful to anyone for a full moon, but you can be grateful that you saw it.
Comfort can be about how you look. I have some clothes that are super comfortable, but if I wore them out in public I would be arrested because I look like a drug dealer. Find something comfy in the way that it reflects how you want to be seen
I mean, looking like you know what you’re doing, looking confident doesn’t mean you have to dress plain.
Also I am sure gym bros will complement you on your body. Kind of like how as a straight man I only get compliments on my facial hair from other men. Look for validation from your friends not randos
The Alchemist, I had to read it for a community college class. It’s probably the most predictable book I’ve ever read, but not in an entertaining way. Just painfully boring.
I read Siddhartha for highschool a couple years before, I would say that the books are almost identical, except I liked Siddhartha more.
You want a book with similar themes but actually amazing? The wizard of Earthsea.
I know the books aren’t literally the same. But the vibes feel very similar. I want to say they have very similar structure, but my memory doesn’t work that great.
I don’t know about wild, but UNSONG has been a very weird trip. It’s like science fiction, except instead of science its Jewish kabbalah. There’s angels, demons, alt history American politics, religious references that are truly esoteric, and puns… lots and lots of puns.
Just listened to it. Yeah I get it
Wildermyth is a weird game that comes up with really interesting procedurally generated stories as you play through the life of an adventurer.
As a 40k fan, there are so many good ones (as comes as a surprise to no one). Some personal favorites of mine are:
Not fiction nor fantasy, and that I think makes it all the more deserving
Yeah, maybe I’m the one who hasn’t gotten over it. Some days it’s the worst part of going to work (the other days it’s usually the weather that’s the worst part)
I put roofs on, both slate and standing seam. They would probably be surprised at how much money the really rich people have. But explaining standing seam would be pretty easy.
We even get our copper from Revere, as in Paul Revere, though he wasn’t born until 1735.
I mean, the war in heaven was the most cataclysmic event. It’s sort of the first galactic scale apocalyptic event in the lore. Gods were fighting gods, some races rose in power, while others ceiced to exist. It’s speculated that at some point the nature of the warp changed, and was later distanced from baseline reality.
But this is all background to the lore, and none of it ever happens in the books, so I’m not sure it really counts. I think the same could be said for the fall of the eldar.
So probably the horus heresy or the 13th black crusade. My money’s on the latter as it caused the great rift.
Lots of physical activity, like lots. First I got into back country snowboarding. Then the snow at the resort was also really good, so I would skip lunch to ski more. Picked up running in the off season, did some pretty long trail runs. Back in snowboard season, lots of uphill in the mornings when I can. Running when it’s warm. Cross country skiing when there’s snow.
I also try to stay away from refined carbs, since they make me sleepy, and then hungry in a couple hours. Also eat lots of protein. Also quit drinking booze mostly.
Read, calligraphy, run, snowboard/split board, journal. I wish I could play videogames, but I feel too guilty, I’m trying to get away from YouTube as it’s a black hole for free time.
Weight and weight distribution are both important, but a pickup will usually perform better in snow with more weight, like 500 lbs of sand in the bed usually does the trick.
How you apply power to the road surface is also very important. Not enough weight and you will just spin tires. Break too aggressively and you lock up. Pedal to the floor and your tires are spinning. Overcorrect your turns when you start to slide and you’ll never get back straight.
My car is a little older and actually drives better in snow with the traction control off.
I see Jersey schmucks up here with their pavement princess trucks getting stuck in the snow all the time. I see locals in a Corolla or fiesta or other tiny light car make it just fine in deep snow. One of my bosses at the ski mountain used to drive a mini Cooper an hour to work every day.
This is a skill issue.
I always thought of it as Californian, but now that I say that, I have no idea where it originates.
Edit: it was founded in Colorado, but is now headquartered in California.
This “Druid” has a severe lack of body hair
I don’t think they have much effect on the flora of an area, but humans are not the only fauna that are harmed by ticks.
Also they get in my dreams and I usually have at least one tick related nightmare a year, so please do understand I speak with some hyperbole.
I know a few trans or nonbinary folks. They either go by he, she, or they. I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t. Then again I live in a weird progressive rural community.
But if someone asks me to refer to them a particular way, sure what not? It means more to them than it means to me.