Oh yeah
Oh yeah
Huh, you’re right. It keeps developing until at least 30, so I will have no increase the lower age to 30 than lol. Thanks!
Absolutely but that is not my argument. Can’t have a bunch of elders voting against decisive climate action because it interferes with what they are used to. No scorched earth voting here no 😄
The first ones haven’t developed their brain fully yet, and the second group shouldn’t get to decide the future for the rest since they have so little of it left 😄 I’m also a staunch believer in youth parties forming politics and main parties implementing it
Strong advocate for people under 25 and over 75 not having the vote.
Feeling worried about germs after dropping it on the ground for a short time is probably not healthy behaviour mate :)
You have a shit ton of unpleasant germs on your hands which touch them all the time and that works out fine yeah?
Anyway, a toothpick from time to time, maybe alcohol if the gunk is really set.
Perfect for cleaning on the go
A wooden stick is pretty much unfordable in an unaltered state Or a glass stick
Depends on the country I suppose Vinyl is much softer than linoleum, which is why linoleum is used everywhere in public buildings like schools and hospitals etc. Vinyl is used in your bedroom
OG Barbenheimer
I was gonna answer Grave of the fireflies, which I watched in my twenties. Then I read the ‘but you’re glad that you did’ so I can’t say that movie.
But maybe Fullmetal Jacket? Tough movie for a 14 year old
God no. I wouldn’t want to be jealous of me
Correct. I am a bot which only get my news from the tankie triad so I know it is unbiased, factual and objective. Beep boop.
Nice dodging of all points in the previous post!
Just a thought but in democracies people don’t tend to emigrate when the “other side” wins the election.
How so? The US is supporting Ukraine in the same fashion as the rest of Europe and other parts of the world. They are hardly engaged in a proxy war against Russia?
I believe a big difference is also that the US offered evacuation in the beginning of the war, but lent help instead when it became clear that the Ukranians wanted to defend themselves
Thank you!
I read comics/manga, browse Lemmy and read news mostly, and not in any particular order. Otherwise I do games like Wordle or just look up how to do home projects on YouTube.
So go into learning more about your hobbies?