Thanks for the responses! I’ll look more into it over the weekend!
Thanks for the responses! I’ll look more into it over the weekend!
I haven’t heard of Aurora before. I’m guessing it’s similar to F-Droid? Just extract and install the APK?
It all has to do with Taytay Swizzle. WAKE UP SHEEPLE! She will be crowned Empress of the World by chief Illuminatus Warren Buffet and the antiChrist Catholic puppet Joe Biden during the Super Bowl halftime show! Only Trump and Dildoboy Nugent can save us!!! /s
That’s no alien - it’s a recently hatched Tory MP who dropped their breakfast.
This is the stuff they don’t teach in school but should. If Washington had made the crossing a day earlier, a group of Italian cities would have sided with the Americans.
Same here. I’ll spend a couple of hours extra to make more to share with coworkers (who love the desserts I make and are very supportive) but I can’t see myself doing it full time. Maybe a food truck on weekends when I retire
It costs a lot more money than most Americans have available, especially if wanting to move to the EU or Canada and want to work.
I can speak Mexican Spanish and have considered moving there. The biggest obstacle are the Americans who want a cheap version of the US and are essentially colonizing these towns.
If I move to Mexico (or any other country), I want to experience that culture, not displaced American consumerism.