What is the point of all these proxy search engines if they rely on the centralized servers’ indexes anyways?
Correction: it’s not even the indexes it’s the results. So really you still have no control over things such as the pageranking.
What is the point of all these proxy search engines if they rely on the centralized servers’ indexes anyways?
Correction: it’s not even the indexes it’s the results. So really you still have no control over things such as the pageranking.
It’s worth noting that you can rewrite history after the fact with Git
What is UnifiedPush?
I’d love to use matrix more but unfortunately it’s really hard to convince other people to use it.
Don’t see how this is much different to today’s way of doing things where pretty much everyone is a freeloader to the centralized server. The major benefit is that it doesn’t have to be just one server anymore.
What if not everyone had to be a seeder?
These answers are so unhelpful Imo. It just states the obvious and doesn’t answer OPs question. Everyone knows drugs or inhaling stuff is not the healthy optimum. OP is just looking for the least harmful way.
This would’ve been what I used if I could get anyone else to use it too.
Not at all. This just searches multiple search engines at once and presents you with the results from all of them on a single page.