In them days Linux was even more about messing around with configurations and finding workarounds. It came on floppies, and as it loaded it made these kind of grinding, farting sounds. We would install it with an onion tied to our belt - which was the style at the time.
Back in the day, using Windows was essentially a long series of fucking around with configurations and trying different workarounds to get things to “go”. The actual using of the computer was, in a way, secondary.
Nothing has changed. Many many years ago I bought a used Apple to try it out and was just - astounded at how little I needed to mess with things to get them to do what I wanted. It was all in settings. That’s it.
Watching Microsoft leap headfirst into full evil is just like watching the seasons change.
AI Defenders! Assemble!
Well the firing’s happening so, i guess let’s hope you’re right about the other part.
All that notwithstanding, Google cutting the check is a concession to the merits of the Antitrust Division’s case. As Lee Hepner put it, “If it wasn’t clear already, Google is acknowledging that actual monetary damages, even if trebled, are an insufficient deterrent for a trillion dollar entity to illegally maintain a monopoly.”
There are a couple of things going on here. First, Google has an unlimited budget for its antitrust defense, and it also does an immense amount of product testing. It’s quite likely that it did mock trials in front of test juries, and found that the outcome probably wasn’t good. The judge in the case, Leonie Brinkema, has been pretty annoyed at Google, so it’s not a promising outcome if they go with a bench trial. But they will bet on the judge than a jury. Second, circuit courts are usually more reluctant to overturn a jury than a judge, so Google wants Brinkema to have to author an opinion that they can then try to overturn.
You’d make a bunch of jockeys mad
I would refer my learned colleague to the actions of a one “microsoft” corporation for proof that it is, in fact, applicable.
No Hole Unfilled!!
While UniSuper normally has duplication in place in two geographies, to ensure that if one service goes down or is lost then it can be easily restored, because the fund’s cloud subscription was deleted, it caused the deletion across both geographies.
TFW your BCDR gets disastered.
Also “massive misconfiguration” is the “spontaneous disassembly” of cloud computing. i’m sure it’s mutiple systems are misconfigured causing chaos but it sounds hilarious.
Yes, and they’re the company’s resources so they theoretically do what’s best for the company as opposed to hoping Google or (godforbid Microsoft) does it.
The money gets paid either way, and if you have good people it’s often the right call to keep it in house but inevitably somebody read a business book last year and wants to layoff all the IT people and let Google handle it “for savings”. Later directors are amazed at how much money they’re spending just to host and use the data they used to have in-house because they don’t own anything anymore.
There are still benefits - cloud DevOps tools are usually pretty slick, and unless your company has built a bunch of those already or is good about doing it, it might still be worth it in terms of being able to change quickly. But it’s still a version of the age old IT maxim to never own or build it yourself when you can pay someone a huge subscription and then sue them if you have to. I don’t like it, but it’s pretty much iron in the executive suite.
As a result, IT departments or companies spend much more than half of their time - totalling years or decades - moving from whatever they were using to whatever is supposed to be better. Almost all of that effort is barely break-even if not wasted. That’s just the nature of the beast.
This guy corporates
Too bad there are no obscenely rich techbros around for whom this would be nothing.
That’s chump yacht money.
Law is never wrong. Got it.
Oh, or was it we should have no defense in court. Whichever.
Huh. Where do they make the Samsung phones again?
Why? I . . . I . . don’t know!
[laugh track]
Not that I’ve touched it with a ten foot pole in as many years but - Microsoft can bite my shiny metal ass.
Just for funsies, the Instagram profits for 2021 are roughly half of the Department of Education budget. Which is one of the larger federal programs.
I’m sorting by New and it’s in there 10-15? Times. I’m wondering if it’s spam or a scam now.