Great tool! Thank you for creating and sharing it!
I am an anarcho-communist and a lover of all things free and open source. I also love cats of all kinds. You can also find me on Mastodon at @housepanther@mstdn.goblackcat.com
Great tool! Thank you for creating and sharing it!
You’re welcome and thank you as well.,
Name calling is the language of the weak. I it does take courage and I’m glad you summoned the courage to do so.
I hope you can find some healing and stabilization.
I’ve just started Rexulti, Klonopin, Chlonodine, and Ambien. Even though I’m only 5 days into it, I’m already starting to feel better.
I have to agree with you here because it comes in waves for me as well. But often spread out between 4-6 months and then I’ll get it for 2-3 weeks straight. It’s very unpleasant and I’m sorry you’re experiencing this.
I don’t like confrontation either but it is important to set boundaries. I’ve done this. It’s okay for someone not to like me but I will not tolerate disrespect. I had somebody at work call me stupid because I could not solve their problem right then and there. When I get very angry, I speak quietly and enunciate my words. I said to this person, “I’m going to leave now. You let me know when you’re ready to work with me.” To which she responded that she would call me and I retorted, “No, you will not call me. You will send me a Teams message or an email.” And I walked away. Naturally I got accused of all kinds of things but I documented what happened and signed and dated it. HR found in my favor.
I’m no Nostradamus but I don’t see this happening because the companies that make their revenue on storage would be crying foul. I don’t see any successful pushes to make local storage illegal. Put it this way: I hope I’m right.
If the ice cream is cheap and shitty, neither flavor will be good. But honestly I like vanilla and chocolate together. They’re nice complimentary flavors.
Certifications were offered. Yep.
Sometimes two hours.
Yes, there is no avoiding that. But it’s a way of saying that the executable was built by you.
You might be able to adapt OpenBSD’s signify software for your purpose.
Have you tried Inkscape?
Well, imagine someone opening the door if the water hasn’t fully drained out and the ensuing mess. If you’re wondering if someone is stupid enough to do that, then the answer is unequivocally yes. There is a reason the door locks for that amount of time - so somebody doesn’t brain fart, open the door, and flood the laundry room.
Just goes to show Sammy is nothing more than a techbro.
This doesn’t work because of the decentralized nature of lemmy. Once it’s posted it is there. You can delete it from your the instance that you’re on but it won’t immediately - if at all - take effect on other instances.
This is exactly what I am getting at!
Same here!