Is the Riemann Hypothesis true or false?
Is the Riemann Hypothesis true or false?
“It is imperative that we do not allow [Chinese] AI systems to gain significant market share in the United States.”
Do these tech experts by any chance are investors or advisors to investors of openAI?
Computer, I would like to run a simulation where these people are investors in High-flyer and see how they would react to this.
number 6: enjoy time is the butt drum roll the cats love so much. it got that right
people dont seem to see the difference between ending up with a party for which a good chunk of their supporters think that what Israel is doing is a genocide vs ending up with a party for which all of their supporters think not only that what Israel is doing is justified but should also do the same to all middle eastern countries (together with direct USA involvement).
I think there are two major subgroups within this group.
First one is immigrants whose families are from the middle east/Palestine who are rightfully very angry at all the world for doing jack shit about Israel committing genocide. What they have to realize is there are unfortunately only two options going ahead: 1- as it is now, maybe somewhat better in future, or 2- much worse. There is no third option that is going to come out of these elections but one where there is potential for change (potential coming from the supporters mentioned above) vs %100 chance of things going for the worse. Note that I am not talking at all about the candidates themselves at all, just the demographic that generally votes for them.
The second group is probably China or Russia fans who just want to see America suffer by getting Trump elected. These are very short sighted people with whom you cannot really have a coherent conversation with.
they will move on to the next topic and leech that. Lets just hope next time it is not something whose proper development could have benefited humanity more.
hahahahha spot on
Ah remember the days when you could be left and still donate to an immigrant hating, sexist and racist billionaire? Those were the good days.
Lets all remember the following tweet by Elon
Guys you are all too left, calm down a bit please.
because its target audience thinks it is a feature?
that is ok they can always make more money with shady ad practices
D’Elon the Musketeer needs to make Tesla look like it is profiting so that he can get funds, even if it means scraping for couple thousands a time. The future of humanity is at stake, he is sure that people will understand once they see how great he is.
yes that will be available in chatGPT 4
well now when you ask OpenAI to write a piece of code for you, it will insert comments like
#I am not going to code this part, it actually exists in the following link which you should have checked before asking me
your colleague is likely a borderline psychopath or antisocial at best (not asocial, antisocial big difference)
I think you could have worn this to a supermarket during a pandemic and no one would have been startled
or AI. oh wait…
thanks I will let the mathematics community know