Damn, what a waste of precious Chartreuse.
How tragic that man can never realize how beautiful life is until he is face to face with death.
Damn, what a waste of precious Chartreuse.
As someone with dogs, I envy this so fucking much.
There you go! Good shit, man.
Glad it worked out for you.
Try it, man.
If you need any recommendations, please ask!
This is going to be really atypical: smoke cigars.
I never really smoked cigarettes so I never had an addiction with them. But I do like cigars. I smoke them occasionally, as do most people with few exceptions. I’ve heard, though, from some former cigarette smokers that switching to cigars helped them mostly painlessly stop their addiction to constantly smoking cigarettes by instead just having an occasional, even maybe weekly, cigar. Cigars may be more intense but also don’t have all the chemicals and crap that some cigarettes have, and cigars even intentionally remove some of the chemicals that cigarettes may add, like ammonia.
I wish I was a teen with $200 to burn again.
I have no idea what you should buy in particular but just have fun, you won’t be a kid for long.
All I will say is that I wasn’t doing anything related to construction/masonry, and it was not intended nor used for anything violent or illegal. And it wasn’t a lucky charm nor meant for self-defense either.
But I carried my brick daily. Sometimes I would carry it in my hand if it got too heavy on my back though.
A brick.
No, I won’t explain.
Have you tried Retro Music?
I like it and got it in an attempt to move on to something more aesthetically pleasing than VLC, but I just ended up going back to VLC.
The Rainbow never sets on the British Empire.
Ironic that they say they believe a concept from a show more than any human religion, but it turns out to just be a rehashed belief from one of the most ancient human religions.
I get that. I need that sometimes, too.
Most of the films I own and like are depressing as shit so I don’t even know why I reacted like that. Haha
The first half?! I should probably rewatch it in case I’m forgetting something but I think I love life-affirmation of the second half. Not trying to judge but the first half is so depressing. Haha What do you love about it?
But, no, I haven’t read it, unfortunately. I know Ikiru is based off it though, right? I still see Ikiru as a kind of Christ story.
It is obvious, but that’s exactly where I got it from. Haha
I love the film and it made me learn and appreciate the word, but I also love the word used in this way as a kind of homage to living, or existence itself, and a nod to existentialism and phenomenology.
That’s so funny. I love Kierkegaard, you have an awesome name!
Hope you can find a better mattress to improve your sleep.
The compromise: medium mattresses.
You’re selling my nudes?!