Wait what? They force you to use their authenticator? How, when, what?
Nerd, Anime and Film Enjoyer, Video Editor, Python Dev, Learning Rust, Linux Enjoyer, Sick of Windows, Currently Running Pop!_OS, Debian and /e/OS
Wait what? They force you to use their authenticator? How, when, what?
Imagine the utopia we would live in if every website was as beautiful as this https://perfectmotherfuckingwebsite.com/
165??? That’s insane, you may be better off with KeePassDX. It combines password managing and TOTP
You’re absolutely right, I see it now, too. Thanks!
I’m glad to hear that, I had fun, too. Thank you for your time and have an amazing day, kind stranger
I understand, my confusion was caused by the misleading app size shown in App Info. It’s actually like 70MB so my question is dumb. I’m sorry for wasting your time
Thanks for the tip, I like the UI
It shows up as an installable app. Although, I just checked the repo of the /e/ browser and it is probably bigger than it appears to be in App Info. I’ll edit the post rq
Yeah, of course a lot is cached and stored in user data but I don’t get why the app itself has to be so big. It’s not significantly faster.
Edit: Never mind all that, I edited the post, the app size wasn’t correctly shown.
It does pretty much everything a browser like Firefox, Focus, Mull, etc would do so I think it’s fair to call it a browser.
Also, the Android System WebView package is not installed on /e/OS
Edit: Yeah, never mind all that. The browser’s size isn’t shown correctly and some kind of WebView is installed so it may use that. The repo is about 70MB which makes far more sense.
I am aware of the complexity of a modern browser. Still, 80+ megabytes for a simple browser like Focus seems excessive. Especially when the Bromite-based /e/OS browser can provide more functionality for an eighth of the size
Exactly! Chrome is just so much easier to install. All you have to do is go to https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/, click the big download button and install it. So much easier!
Yeah, using Firefox is a real hassle compared to Edge or Chrome. It’s really only worth it if you’re hardcorde into privacy but barely usable for your average Joe /s
Yeah, Darktable is more of a Lightroom replacement
I don’t think anyone should use it, no. It is technically an option, though
I know, that’s why I use LibreOffice. OnlyOffice OpenOffice was the only thing I could think of
I’m on Liftoff
Edit: Now I’m on Sync
OrganicMaps maybe? Probably not but worth checking out
Wouldn’t work. If there’s so many diamonds, they’d just kind of lose their value. Also, who are you gonna sell them to, if everyone has them?
Although it could kind of be a new currency that excludes the rich, making their wealth at least a little useless.
I fully agree on the premise, but I think it needs refining.