Okay, so you can have intuitive and easy to use mouse gestures to speed up your browsing experience… But why wouldn’t you use Vimium and use your keyboard with 32697 unintuitive keybindings instead?
Nerd, Anime and Film Enjoyer, Video Editor, Python Dev, Learning Rust, Linux Enjoyer, Sick of Windows, Currently Running Pop!_OS, Debian and /e/OS
Okay, so you can have intuitive and easy to use mouse gestures to speed up your browsing experience… But why wouldn’t you use Vimium and use your keyboard with 32697 unintuitive keybindings instead?
There’s “today I learned”/“TIL” but that’s usually factoids, I think
Tungsten. It’s just so cool that it’s so dense and has such a high melting point. It’s also really hard and tough.
Edit: also dragonflies are pretty badass
I switch between New, Hot and Top 6hrs/Day
When they have some of the same interests as you, but for different reasons. It provides for excellent conversation when you can talk about something you’re both passionate about, but because you’re passionate for different reasons, you have different perspectives, and it keeps a topic you’re very familiar with very interesting.
Woke has got to be one of the most meaningless words out there. So many things are labeled as being “woke”. From left-wing to right-wing, from progressive to conservative, it’s genuinely insane.
Can you please define what you mean by “woke”? (Funnily enough, most people that regularly use the word “woke” can’t even properly explain what it means)
The bootloader is open so you could throw Fairphone’s Android on there no problem. I think they provide the files for that (didn’t check so don’t know for sure)
I’ve used Element and I actually prefer it over Discord. But I use Vim mode in Obsidian so I clearly don’t know squat about usability.
as long as that hasn’t happened yet
Hasn’t happened yet? Have you seen the new mobile app? What usability?
Absolutely. Just because I think religion is stupid and don’t want it shoved down my throat everywhere I go, doesn’t mean I dislike the people spending their time on it.
People who don’t keep religion to themselves and start bothering me or others with it (Jehovah’s witnesses and whatnot), they bother me and I do dislike those few
While Discord may be a valid place for your project to gain traction, documentation, etc. shouldn’t be there as Discord is unsearchable. That’s what I’m saying.
Sorry but you can’t be serious. Do you really think that putting documentation, bug reports, FAQ, etc. on a Discord server is not a problem? If you want a place to discuss that is like Discord, use Element or some other FLOSS alternative because it just simply is more sustainable and better as it shows respect towards the user base.
It’s actually pretty quick for me with 95% JPEGs. But your mileage may of course vary.
You can just select them all and export them into a folder. Maybe overnight?
Throw them into darktable and export them to JPEG
Immune by Philipp Dettmer. Made me appreciate my body and immune system
I’m sorry for misunderstanding the thing with the lions. Thank you for helping me understand it, it makes much more sense now.
As I said, living in groups is desirable to humans on a very basic level. It’s what makes us survive and allows us to pass along our genes which is why staying in groups gives humans an evolutionary advantage.
I also said that what I described is how it used to work most of the time until the Neolithic Revolution happened. This enormous change also changed the way humans interact and behave. Stuff like greed and jealousy became much more common.
Despite that it is still baked into human biology that kindness and gratitude are advantageous to us. It explains the positive emotions that emerge when being kind and grateful.
I am also not doubting what you’re saying about sociology because how could I? It’s not wrong.
I think that our opinions don’t differ that greatly. The only point I am making is that behaving in a social manner is indeed evolutionary advantageous because it undeniably is.
species that form groups through social interaction will result in a group of individuals that gain an evolutionary advantage, such as increased protection against predators, access to potential mates, increased foraging efficiency and the access to social information.
Is what Wikipedia says about group living.
You’re assuming that you would be motivated to “return the favor,” but where does that motivation come from?
It would come from gratitude. Being grateful is simply a tool that emerged to motivate animals, including humans, to live in groups. The behaviour I mentioned earlier can also be seen in chimps and other primates, whose behavioral patterns are pretty similar to ours.
Living in groups does have evolutionary advantages thus staying part of one’s group is desirable which makes social behavior necessary. However, the Neolithic Revolution messed with human behavior and today’s society being much larger than human groups used to be thousands of years ago complicates things further. Gratefulness is simply a tool that emerged in many species, including humans, to further the goal of staying part of the group. It is still baked into human biology although not as much as it used to be.
I don’t agree completely. Using lions as a comparison doesn’t really work imo since their behavioural patterns differ greatly from ours.
Gratitude always served as the foundation of our communities. It’s what motivates us to look out and care for one another and work as a group. Humans are herd animals so it has an evolutionary advantage to be kind to people. Being excluded from a community (which is the most common response to dicks) usually meant dying.
For people who didn’t suffer that fate, it kind of went something like this: Your parents and other community members take care of you as a child (instinctively). You notice that and feel gratitude, motivating you to return the favor by doing something for other members of your community. They feel grateful as a response and also want to return the favor. Ideally, this loop continues.
It used to work way better, the Neolithic Revolution really fucked things up but it still works.
I use biology. Being grateful and kind just has an evolutionary advantage
I’ve used phyphox for lots of stuff. It’s great for looking at raw data from your phone’s sensors but there are also a lot of great experiments built in to the app. The university that develops it has a playlist showcasing them all, it’s a great way to spend a weekend.