it’s a thin flat rubber piece. It seemed like it was seated properly. I think it’s supposed to release pressure when the filter clogs. Ordering a new filter tonight to test this hypothesis.
it’s a thin flat rubber piece. It seemed like it was seated properly. I think it’s supposed to release pressure when the filter clogs. Ordering a new filter tonight to test this hypothesis.
I’m just getting ready to head to work but I’ll remove that part and take pictures when I get home this afternoon. Thank you for your suggestion!
My grandpa had a million one liners, most were somewhat inappropriate but here’s a fun one. He’d say, “Did anyone get hurt in that wreck?” To any of my friends that drove over. When they inevitably asked “what wreck?” He’d say, “the one you pulled up in.” This was devastating to the ones who were super proud of their cars. Lol
Lol. Not even a minute after I answered that, I was stumped by someone saying MD. Took me a minute to remember Maryland exists. Also there’s a large part of the population that hears New Mexico and assumes that since it has Mexico in the name it can’t possibly be a state in the US.
I’ve noticed this a few times and there were always fresh comments on a year old post. Is it showing up because people found it and commented? Or did they comment because it showed up in hot and they didn’t realize it was old? Chicken or the egg type of thing.
I love that your cited source is your wife.