You misspelled “lies”. Or were you trying to type “psyops tool”??
You misspelled “lies”. Or were you trying to type “psyops tool”??
Yes but your server can’t handle the biggest LLM.
Why didn’t you page me back?
Where did I leave my zip disk?
Thanks! I just installed it.
This is awesome. Thank you my internet friend.
Wow thanks friend! Does the 2FA work in this silo?
Technically if you bought a Toyota pickup truck it’s more American than some American named cars.
Care about yourself first and then care about others after.
Esp true if the oxygen mask falls down on a flight.
I used to live in Los Angeles and lived in Charlie Chaplin’s house that was on the old lot(the current Broadway shoes).
The water coming into the house was probably clean, but the home’s pipes were all lead. I did one of those lead tests and it failed.
So your sulfur taste could be from the home and not from the municipal water.
Oh good. I remembered having that issue in the 90s when using these keyboards.
How do you deal with the multiple keystroke issues? If I remember correctly, it’s only able to have a few simultaneous keystrokes before it doesn’t recognize it.
My work gives me Adobe suites and after they implemented the Gen AI, I can’t use GIMP. Things are faster with it.
3D printing. Purchased a cheap 3D printer to save money printing things instead of buying things. 5 printer print farm later, no idea why I’m doing this to myself.
I have tried. Mailed it to a specialist in Taiwan that claimed it was possible. Couldn’t get the data out.
I paid over $500(in early 2000s) and was not able to retrieve it. Maybe 20 years later there is a chance.
Super sad storytime. Back in the early 2000s, I had an awesome Sony camera phone with a real xenon flash.
I probably had thousands of photos on it on an SD card that has been through multiple phones.
Suddenly, my mom started feeling pains in her stomach area and was later diagnosed with staged 4 cancer.
After she passed away, I accidentally fell into a lake and broke my phone and lost every photo and video of my mom. I only have a video of her voice that I posted on Facebook while she was washing my dog for the first time.
Since then, I haven’t lost a single photo. Each photo and video is saved in 4 different locations, in a B2 bucket and in different countries.
I still have this old phone. I’m hoping one day I can retrieve it. Until then, always save your photos in multiple places.
I tried the smaller models and it’s not fine. It’s hard coded.