Does each comment store the user’s IP address as well? (Like it would on other forum software?)
Does each comment store the user’s IP address as well? (Like it would on other forum software?)
This comment?
And regardless of what side of the aisle, they will all stand together on this. Why? Maybe because any one of them could be next. We never had the guillotines in this country. So the ruling class never learned that part the hard way.
That is “Advocating assassination” ?
I can’t remember what I paid for my 40mb MFM hard drive in 1992. I kind of want to say it was around like $200. ?
Make America GNU Again
Baguette du fromage
It’s like exactly what I said they would do after the original news of the bans from the other day. And I got downvoted for it. Lol
lol show him a link to this thread and ask him to pick which answer he prefers.
I’m a smoker in the US. It seems like a hell of a lot less than 6% of people here smoke. I don’t think I have a single family member or friend who still smokes. Feels like it’s just me.
I pay that much per month and get more commercials :(
Couldn’t you look at the code and see what ssl calls it’s making?
TSA is such a joke. And now we’ll never be rid of them. Thanks Al Quaida, you have successfully achieved your goal of inconveniencing the infidel travelers for decades now. I hope you are happy with yourselves.
Cool. Thanks.
What subs does it repost from?
What is lemmit?
More useful at collecting your data.
Had to check if you were also the top commentor.
Would be nice if pivoting to ads caused them to lose 50% of their business.
Sadly it won’t.
They probably calculate cost saved by economy of scale, vs profit generated from planned obsolescence in other markets.
Might be more profitable to run different SKUs.
It’s called pretty much every Abrahamic religion. There’s others you could pick from too though.
Well it’s also a US company.