If the government told me that my “score” dictating my ability to participate in society would be greatly affected based on what I thought of the government, I’d support the heck out of that government too.
If the government told me that my “score” dictating my ability to participate in society would be greatly affected based on what I thought of the government, I’d support the heck out of that government too.
Calling out a government for flagrant propaganda has nothing at all to do with race.
This feels like a hasty “solution” to an invented “problem”. Sure, Wikipedia isn’t squeaky clean, but it’s pretty damn good for something that people have been freely adding knowledge to for decades. The cherry-picked examples of what makes Wikipedia " bad" are really not outrageous enough to create something even more niche than Wikia, Fandom, or the late Encyclopedia Dramatica. I appreciate the thought, but federation is not a silver bullet for everything. Don’t glorify federation the way cryptobros glorify the block chain as the answer to all the problems of the world.
Vivaldi is my daily driver. It has the best tab-management, dark website-mode (hidden function), build-in tracker, pop-up & ad-blocker, RSS-Reader, e-mail client, site-hibernation and much more.
You forgot excessive RAM usage 🤮
Those many stupid people are paying for your gmail.
According to the WHO, nearly 7 million people worldwide have died to date due to COVID-19. Aside from just mortality, COVID-19 has caused massive shockwaves across economic systems across the world that irreversibly impacted hundreds of millions of people. I won’t pretend all of COVID deaths were caused by Trump, but you can bet your ass that a significant number of them, my personal extended family included, died because he politicized the virus and treated it like it was no big deal.
It’s exactly this. Netflix makes more money from the average basic+ads user than they do from someone on the standard plan. It’s incremental revenue from all users that even occasionally use the service, and invisible to those that pay for Prime but don’t care about Prime Video.
If you pay directly for Prime Video only, it’s a little different.
I sort by hot and there’s no comment activity. I sort by active and it’s the same posts for the entire day. Maybe you see improvement, but I see mostly a bunch of people yelling into the wind and a few groups huddled in the few interesting topics like this one, which is ironically bitching about reddit.
It’s free for you, and cheap for them!
Back when tapes, CDs, MiniDiscs, all the old generations of data storage that you could write to at home were first circulating the media industries tried real, real hard to make them illegal to privately own.
I have no idea if blu-rays or DVDs are still printed for sale.
Is this a serious take? It’s a 5-second search on Google or any large store.
My Urgent Care doc prescribed me some muscle relaxers and sent me to a chiropractor when I injured my back doing deadlifts so figure that one out 🤷
Don’t forget about DeadJournal for the emo/edgy kids!