Should be fine. Will just charge slowly as it won’t get more than 5V from the charger as far as I understand.
Linux Enthusiast, Physiologist, Paragliding Pilot
Should be fine. Will just charge slowly as it won’t get more than 5V from the charger as far as I understand.
I’m not sure it’s that much faster but we recently switched to a stove top kettle for our induction stove. It’s one less thing that needs to be plugged in somewhere. Also, the kettle makes a very cool sound! :)
I use OsmAnd+ and you can configure it to save a track every time you use navigation. It can also send that track live to self hosted tracking servers. You need to enable the trip recording plugin.
“declares that evidence concerning acts for which the President is immune can play no role in any criminal prosecution against him.”
To me (as a non-US citizen and outside observer) this seems to be the real problem. Seems to present a catch-22 to me. What am I missing?
Are you saying you lived with another family in another country between 12 and 15 years of age? The whole time?