When I used to work in the office I probably worked about 5 hours a day at most. The rest was spent on personal projects, fucking around, whatever
Now that I work from home it varies between two and four.
My production is exactly the same.
Just some guy.
When I used to work in the office I probably worked about 5 hours a day at most. The rest was spent on personal projects, fucking around, whatever
Now that I work from home it varies between two and four.
My production is exactly the same.
“Putang ina.” (“Son of a whore”)
They said this charming Filipino phrase whenever I did something stupid. So, often enough to count as a catchphrase.
Also, not only are people nicer on Lemmy, I find that I’m nicer on Lemmy.
This isn’t the 90s anymore. Today, unmoderated/poorly moderated online spaces are breeding grounds for the usual toxic assholes who ruin everything.
Blackadder, Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers, the IT Crowd, and (oddly) The Good Place.
I stopped counting when my last nicotine hit was, which I think might be the key here. A couple of years at least.
No urges, never even think about it.