how does that work? do you clock in/out while on the shuttle or something?
how does that work? do you clock in/out while on the shuttle or something?
If you’re the owner of the factory, would you compensate them for their commutes? How would you do it?
absolutely, people’s workdays should start when they begin their commute. I don’t know off the top of my head, but some companies and government jobs already comp people for their travel expenses, just extend that to commutes.
if it wasn’t him, it would have been someone else. this is just what capitalism does - monetize every single aspect of anything people enjoy.
if I’m guaranteed some kind of job as well - history PhD probably
corolla/camry is the car for you
are you from 2015? who’s out here talking about “SJWs” still?
I’m boring, all I do is walk around the city, go to the parks/hiking trails/nature, eat at local restaurants, and go to museums and art galleries
74 during the day, 70-72 when I go to sleep
the British because they had the time. the Nazis did want to basically exterminate most of the world, so it’s a toss-up.
the quality of your work/how hard you work isn’t as important as the perception of the quality of your work/how hard you work. do the bare minimum, but pretend like you care and be a pleasant person to work with and that’ll take you further than busting your ass working.
I do, it’s fine at best. doesn’t really come anywhere close to the Apple trackpads.
kinda sucks that no one makes hardware as good as Apple. with other laptops, there’s always some sort of compromise. I have a ThinkPad and the keyboard is great, the screen is great, but the speakers are complete dogshit and the trackpad isn’t all that good.
leave me and not text me anymore, it’s 4D chess really funny