Suffering comes from ‘thirst’. As I recall, not karma
Suffering comes from ‘thirst’. As I recall, not karma
Japanese City Pop.
People who don’t stand up for their beliefs are comforted by seeing those that did, punished. It’s best for them personally if they’re quite and obedient, and this is confirmation of that bias.
Okay you’re a nurse. You should get over yourself and just do it the way the other nurse is showing you. Be humble 🫶
I have no enemies
I only know she’s not my boss and my role is the same as her.
They’ve been in the role longer than you have, that gives them seniority over you.
I don’t understand why you believe you know my role better than me.
You’ve been purposely vague about your role so I am left to make a best guess.
I wouldn’t do this over email. To be effective, the message has to be said next time she feels entitled to ‘correct’ me.
You should do it over email so there is a written record and no miscommunication. You could even CC your supervisor if you wajt to play hardball.
Your currently strategy is to snap at her the next time she annoys you. Not a good look for a new hire.
The eyeball is wrinkles
That one day they will harvest my brain and let it live a vat of dopamine
Is the end result the same? Sometimes the right process gets better end results. Especially if you’re a new hire, it’s worth considering doing it their way just out of humility.
I feel you believe you are my boss. You are not. Stop telling me how to work. It’s tiring. You have your way of doing things, I’ve got mine, both equally good. Should you have a problem with this, contact the charge or manager. I’m gonna go work now.
This is an extremely aggressive way to speak to someone. It’s a little wild that this is what you came up with trying to be neutral and diplomatic. Genuinely makes me question if you’re understanding this person and your role correctly.
If you’re certain that doing it your way is just as good then I recommend the following message:
Hi [person’s name]! I wanted to thank you for your help getting me situated into this new role at [company name]. I really appreciate the difficulties of integrating a new team member, and I want you to know I’m 100% committed to doing good work together.
My personal experience with projects like these involves a work flow that looks more like [x, y, z], and the clients that I’ve worked for using this process were always happy with the results. The process you showed me where it’s [a, b, c] doesn’t make as much sense to me, perhaps we can schedule some time to go over why it’s more effective doing it [a, b, c] rather than [x, y, z]? Otherwise, just for the sake of completing the project ASAP I would prefer using the way I have more experience with.
Happy to discuss this with you further at anytime and excited about the great things we’ll be making together 😁
That’s a bullet proof corporate email any manager would take a look at and know you’re not the problem.
It’s on Amazon Prime if you want to check it out
Coherence, it’s like 85 minutes long and came out a decade or so ago. No script, the actors ad-libed their lines with only minor directions.
It’s a lot like Primer meets the Man from Earth
Boo Reddit boo
I just try to avoid giving money to the living bad ones
He had to admit it court that he owned and operated the burner account where he acts like a toddler and talks about his ex-wife in that character
The power of branding is never to be overstated.
The internet I grew up with and loved couldn’t survive having the whole population on it. It became about making money off the userbase, political manipulation, and addictive distractions. It’s success killed it.
There is anxiety associated with feeling like you’re not working as hard as you think you out should be.
I worked with some mainland Chinese people and they’re very interesting. I remember during covid when a director released his movie online for free so people could watch it while stuck at home — they thought it was a terrible thing because now so many people weren’t going to make money off it.