There’s quite a span between older and younger millennials. Older millennials were already in college by the time the iPad was released.
There’s quite a span between older and younger millennials. Older millennials were already in college by the time the iPad was released.
Older millennials are firmly there with you in relation to tech.
That statement is there because the company selling that milk is advertising that it is rBST free. It is illegal to make health claims for a product without proof and it can lead to large fines and forced product withdrawal. The disclaimer protects the company from any false advertising claims.
Try tmobile’s wireless internet. They usually have an option to try free for 30 days. Depending on where you live it can be a great alternative.
So sad for businesses… The only way this stops is if they are irreparably hurt and realize that they caused it by voting him in.
The shirt is not being worn.
It’s a natural thing that occurs when your pay is based on stocks that respond heavily to quarterly results. Stay in for 2 - 3 years, drive stock prices up, get out, and leave the mess for the next leadership team.
Streaming services didn’t exist when this court case happened. Many artists were already suing Napster, but weren’t famous enough to get publicity. Someone released an unfinished edit of “I disappear” which is what triggered Metallica to get involved. Dr Dre also jumped into the suit but I’ve never heard anyone talk about boycotting his music or the music he produced.
As greedy as you think they might have been, without them, a lot of smaller bands would have just washed up. People work really hard to make music, shouldn’t they get paid for it?
Best town in the world.
Currently Firefox on the iPhone is still running Safari. It’ll soon change for folks in the EU only.
If you will never live in the US, you should renounce your citizenship. This will be permanent and irrevocable, so consider it wisely. This eliminates any issue with not filing taxes while working overseas.
LOL, whoops!
What are you doing on a cell phone for that cost? There are international phone plans that would be so much cheaper.
There’s no research showing that it is an effective treatment.
What’s your metric that you improved 600%?
Why are you using vinegar in your ears? That’s not typical.
It’s not just implemented by tech companies, it’s pretty standard across the board for salaried positions.
Performance improvement plan.
I agree, it’s improved quite a bit from over a year ago. I hope it doesn’t get too big. I personally like only logging in once every two days and being able to see everything important. Less content makes it much less addictive than reddit was.