Cities like Berlin need to drastically decrease available parking and invest tons in public transport and bicycle infrastructure. The status quo feels like living in a 19th century industrial town, it’s disgusting.
Cities like Berlin need to drastically decrease available parking and invest tons in public transport and bicycle infrastructure. The status quo feels like living in a 19th century industrial town, it’s disgusting.
Zigbee devices can still be crap if you have the choice between a proprietary app that phones home and maintaining home assistant as a part-time job
I’m so nervous reading this
Listen to me, you will not use that old wiry thing anymore once you have an oxo peeler. They have a rubberized grip that’s actually hand-sized and I’ve been loving potato peeling with it.
Commute is part of working hours (with a reasonable limit)
It‘s a pretty good metaphor I‘d say and less bland than calling them plug and socket.