I’d do something g similar except ride all the electric interurban trains that no longer exist.
I’d do something g similar except ride all the electric interurban trains that no longer exist.
Workers and Resources, as well as Factorio! (Space DLC of course.) I’m starting a new game of Factorio with my brother and already sucked in despite not even having green science yet.
You could share them on Google Drive or Dropbox
To be honest, I mostly play it on Windows, but occasionally launch it on my Linux laptop. My laptop is from 2012, has 4 GB of ram, and is pretty underpowered, so it’s slow, but it would probably work pretty well on a properly specced Linux computer. It’s a standard Unity game, so I suspect there shouldn’t be too many glitches or things that.
It’s a super complex game and I quite love playing co-op with my brother. It’s easy to spend hours designing all the various sub-systems of a warship only to watch it still fail against the mid-level factions.
I quite like Besiege, but I’d probably have to go with From the Depths.
No, road design should be improved to make it comfortable and reasonable to follow the laws, and uncomfortable to break them. Think raised crosswalks that function as speed bumps at intersections, narrow roads to reduce speeding, that sort of thing.
I haven’t played OpenTTD, but comparing from the videos I’ve seen, yes it’s uglier.
I like Simutrans, which is basically an OpenTTD competitor with more complexity but an uglier interface. Sadly development on it has been fairly slow, at one point there was a one-way road patch but it’s since been abandoned.
It would be nice if I was not logged out every few hours when browsing on iOS (safari). It’s annoying and I often just read threads logged out, then get sad when I can’t upvote without scrolling to the top to log in again.
TBF considering how slow/unreliable and infrequent it tends to be, it’s hard to believe anyone would use it if they didn’t have other options. Even in my city (where buses run 30 minutes instead of every hour as is common elsewhere), it takes an hour and 15 minutes to get somewhere that’s a straight 15 minute freeway drive by car. And it’s worse in larger cities where buses are delayed by traffic such that you miss your transfer.
And it’s not like improvements like BRT or light rail will change it much considering how often they run in boulevards with 35mph speed limits and stop lights vs the 65mph grade separated freeways. Even a grade separated subway would be slower than driving unless it had spaced out stops, but then walking to said stops would take a lot of time (plus we couldn’t afford one, especially not one that actually serves the sprawl).
Under these conditions, it’s understandable to not even bother considering it as an option.
I don’t know but that image looks sick