Bury it deep enough to lock the carbon in. If you spend it, those dollars will eventually find their way back to the treasury where they’ll be burned.
Bury it deep enough to lock the carbon in. If you spend it, those dollars will eventually find their way back to the treasury where they’ll be burned.
If you’re using a such a fine filter you’ll need to keep up with the monthly replacements. Clogged air filters reduce the air flow, which can allow heat soak to damage the failsafe pressure sensor that stops your furnace when the fan dies.
I use Masa Harina, that same Mexican corn flour that’s used to make tortillas.
Site hosting should be (almost) free, because it costs (almost) nothing.
I used to work for a popular web host and 99% of the business could have been rendered obsolete by p2p hosting infrastructure.
Did they ever fire that cop?
It’s a reference to an anecdote that Harris apparently uses frequently.
That’s all I know, never cared enough to learn a politicians’ lore.
As it should be.
Nobody’s talking about this one, but if NASA is able to confirm even the slightest degree of lab-scale spatial warping we’d be in for a huge sea change in potential futures.
I’ve rather enjoyed 20 Minutes Till Dawn
It shouldn’t be. Youtube could have been a public good but instead it’s for-profit.
I’m a weird sort of person. 😺
I did too! Turns out there’s a lot of weirdness and jargon that gets built into the system after 44 years of continuous operation, and of course the CC companies wanted to be able to bill separately for issuing new cards and printing replacements. XD
That’s technically not a card issuance, which in CC terms only happens when the bank associates an account on their end with a new card profile from the CC company. No actual card needs to be issued either, a token in a digital wallet works the same way.
Deactivating a lost card and activating a replacement (temporary or otherwise) are just maintenance activities on an existing card profile. They get recorded to the original profile both for record-keeping and so that the bank doesn’t get billed extra for issuing a new one.
Using Linux
Media piracy
Feeding the homeless
Wheatpasting / graffiti
Political theory
Shoplifting from corporate chains
First Aid
Legal observation
Black bloc tactics
Guerilla gardening
Spotting plainclothes cops / informants
Dialectical Materialism
Credit card companies don’t issue credit cards, they’re middlemen for the banks and take a cut from every transaction processed.
Oh, definitely not. This format is explicitly for pissing off nationalists.
Simply dismiss the validity of the governing body they worship by reference to the historical contingency of its creation, then sit back and watch as they work themselves into a froth trying to justify their imagined superiority without reference to their mythic founders.
I think you mean sports without a physical activity aspect
No, I do not.
Mens egos are so fragile that women were banned from minor league baseball when Jackie Mitchell struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gherig in 1931.
Figure skating was segregated in 1903 for the same reason, Madge Syers took the silver medal from a man.
The history of womens’ sports is rife with examples like this, most sports started out as co-ed and only stayed that way until women started winning.
Vernacular doesn’t need to belong to a person or even a group of people.
Then why do they call it “African American Vernacular English”?
If your problem is with the people who say it and not the word itself, that’s a different issue and one that I’m not really interested in debating.
Who says I can’t have two problems?
The free options will still be there. Banning a few pirate sites will make it less convenient for streamers, but bittorrent isn’t dependent on those sites and tools like Tribler can find them straight off the DHT.