There’d be no reason to. Anymore, I think they’d be more likely than that to try to port their Xbox game store to Linux than try to kill Linux gaming (though I doubt they’ll do that either)
There’d be no reason to. Anymore, I think they’d be more likely than that to try to port their Xbox game store to Linux than try to kill Linux gaming (though I doubt they’ll do that either)
Oh, believe me, I do
Then there’s the ones that actively block Linux and will ban you if you actually manage to get it to work (*cough* Destiny 2 *cough*)
That’s what i did and with very few issues (especially compared to what i had with Windows) I’ve not regretted it at all
I haven’t tried that one, I’ll give it a shot
Flameshot is great, but it lacks too many features I’ve come to depend on from SnagIt! and I would absolutely pay for a Linux port even if it isn’t FOSS
How is your boox, BTW? Would you recommend them?
I’m in the market and they look interesting to me but the price is a bit of a shocker
Fully agree, just an observation about the comparison
Yeah, 6 inches is about the furthest something can be for me to see it with any clarity at all without glasses, regardless of size and resolution, but still often read without them on my phone just to relax my eyes (and also, nothing looks clearer to me than something a few inches from my face with my glasses off)
But i did say “6 inches to a foot” which I’m at least assuming is not that atypical a range that people hold their devices at, but I’m not that great at judging distance overall… At the very least, my point is you’re holding the small device much closer than the bigger screen will be so needs higher PPI to still look as crisp
Honestly, if they didn’t charge extra I’d probably not be so annoyed, but the theaters around me all add like a $3 “convenience” fee for booking online, which is complete bs since it’s actually saving them money not needing to keep as many people working
Capitalists will capitalist, though
A PPI of 92, but that screen is going to probably be between 2 and 3 feet from your face, vs the 150 PPI sitting 6 inches to a foot away… Doesn’t mean it isn’t good enough by any means, but it’s certainly not a conclusive comparison
I actually kind of dislike the assigned seating at movie theaters myself. It now doesn’t matter if i go early, the theater might already be nearly booked. The only way around this is to either make two trips to the theater or pay extra to buy online.
On the other hand, it does eliminate any rush to get there early once you have the ticket
Depends on what airline you’re taking, Southwest doesn’t assign seats
But most will anyway. Why leave extra money sitting on the table?
Great, so now we get to pay for the privilege of having our data harvested by 814 “partners”
Remember: “if you aren’t paying for the product then you are the product” is no longer accurate, you’re the product regardless of paying or not now.
I think i would legitimately just leave the site and block it at my pihole if i saw that
But why would I care if I’m not going to use it?
Honestly, I don’t care if all my phones going forward start having the port again, I’m sure it’ll make a lot of people happy, but I’ll still likely be using Bluetooth because it’s just more convenient for me
Which was the point. That I feel like you missed. Or misinterpreted. Either way… Cool?
I prefer the headphone jack to be Bluetooth, honestly… Haven’t had a physical port in many years and found I didn’t miss it at all
Starfield, which I don’t get the sheer magnitude of rancor it gets… It’s not perfect, but it’s still a good game, and none of its issues are “unfixable”, no matter how much its haters want to believe they are
Genuinely had a lot of fun with it and looking forward to content updates, as well as yes bug fixes and gameplay improvements (I did say it’s not perfect, but none of Bethesda’s games were really better at launch and most of them got slammed initially too)
It might, if it worked well, but that’s a big “if” and as I suggested in my original post I don’t think it’s particularly likely they’ll do it either way