It’s taken me forever to reply because (a) I feel guilty about short replies to long messages, (b) I had to think about this a bit, and © I almost exclusively access Lemmy on my phone and I hate typing long messages on my phone. Not an excuse, just an explanation. There are no good Lemmy desktop clients, but I’ve finally logged in to my instance’s web interface to respond to this. 3 months later.
well I appreciate the time and tbh and in no hurry for any of this. I’m glad it was on an account I actively monitor. I also don’t have a perfect system set up to keep track of lemmy stuff so probably I miss things sometimes.
The argument that because the currency isn’t endorsed or backed by a government means it’s not real seems debatable, at best.
So as to the nature of crypto vs fiat. Fiat is not only backed by The State, it is created and controlled by The State. I have never done a deep dive but superficially I find the ideas of MMT as explained by Cory Doctow compelling in the context of capitalism
MMT’s core precept is that governments first spend money into existence and then tax it out of existence (contrast this with the standard account that says that governments must tax citizens to pay for programs, which raises the question, “How did the citizens get the money to pay for their taxes unless the government first spent that money into existence, given that governments are the sole source of currency?”).
I first encountered it on some podcast he was on, it might have been this one but not totally sure tbh.
So in terms of whether it’s “real” that is one difference.
People have been scamming people using regular money for far longer than cryptocurrency has existed.
It is an interesting point, and I’m compelled to agree that lots of scams have been conducted with fiat currency. If it were possible to count it all up, way, way more value has been scammed out of people via fiat.
Just to disclose my priors: To be honest, I am not too interested in “fortunes” being scammed because I don’t think anyone comes by massive quantities of money by means which are defensible. An old saying: “if one man has a dollar he didn’t work for, it means another man worked for a dollar he didn’t get.” It is clumsy and imprecise but summarizes how I feel about wealthy individuals.
But crypto has been extensively marketed to people without fortunes. Small people like you (I assume) and me and our families and communities. These people will never get redress for their lost money and it can be devastating. It has specifically targets for example racialized communities who have been systematically excluded from systems that would allow them to accumulate fiat and property.
Unlike fiat, which is created and required by the state, crypto is more like an MLM (pyramid scheme). It is only valuable while new people are buying into it with fiat. If the money pump stops or even slow down, there is a crash. Fiat doesn’t need people to buy into it with crypto and it never will.
Back to the topic of chat apps.
I think it feels sleezy to you because the devs are also interested in integrating cryptocurrency into the Session ecosystem, and you believe cryptocurrency=bad.
Disagree. I wouldn’t use a chat app that was run by Wells Fargo or PayPal or Visa or a local credit union or any other such organization. That would be weird. My use case for a chat app is 100% in social communication and I see no reason for that to be entangled in financials unless I was directly choosing to contribute money to the development costs of the app.
However I can see different use cases where integration of financial exchange into the platform would be of benefit. Those would be for conducting relationships with a significant transactional nature. Platforms like ebay and aliexpress have chat/mail features and that makes sense. And think of facebook marketplace; also combines chat and transactions. People do business on instagram and whatsapp. It appears that the primary application of something like session would be as an adjunct or replacement for those kinds of conversations.
The question is: Is this a chat app that also has a way to send money, or a financial transaction app with a chat feature? I think it is the latter.
I will admit I don’t deeply understand the inners of blockchains. But we know they are unstable so I still find it strange to mix up other unrelated features so intimately. For example aliexpress has a chat feature, and ultimately the stability of the chat is reliant on the business continuity of the organization. But on a day to day level, the reliability of the infrastructure isn’t changing according to how much business is being conducted, how popular aliexpress is. I also wouldn’t use aliexpress chat to conduct my personal relationships. If I made a friend on aliexpress somehow, I would move that to a more appropriate platform.
You’ve correctly compared crypto to the stock market. It is very apt as they share a lot of structural elements; only the stock market is older, more entrenched. My opinion: stock market is completely indefensible; get rid of it. Same premise different conclusion. :D I wouldn’t use a chat app that was relying on some penny stock for it’s technical viability.
further reading if this wasn’t enough:
Molly White follows and explains crypto et al; her website: Web3 is Going Just Great is updated frequently. If you are a podcast weirdo like me, she appears on them from time to time, search through your app.
I used to use floccus and the thing I really liked is you can selectively share bookmark groups. So if you have certain links you want everywhere you can do that, but some sets you might only want in in specific browsers. I do not know if the others that have this.
Stopped using it because of unresolvable problems and not much Dev attention but looks like its picked up again so I plan to get back to it.