Voting is endorsing the establishment
Voting is endorsing the establishment
And that’s the funny thing: linus is somewhere in europe, yet burgerlander laws apply because the politicians and media in all of europe are all puppets of usa
Voting with wallet is oligarchy
Common, yes
Sense, no
I ask someone else to do it
But isnt taiwan the place where all the chip plants are because yanks dont have enough brain to make their chips
The west german hitlerite invaders murdered and imprisoned everyone who opposed them
Of course you cant talk to them
the grand firewall protects from that
Are you even a communist?
Name all AES
If russia had manipulated the election, it would have been in favor of biden
I think making a Sherlock Yack episode procedural generator might be possible
“Neither washington nor beijing, but washington”
Typical westerner living off the people of the global south’s labor
Of course you dont want change with your fuck you got mine attitude
I can’t not think
I can’t rest
I like science. Science has shown that communism (for proletariat) and neoliberalism (for bourgies) are most effective and I dont see a lot of bourgies here.
Liberalism and stuff are like miasma theory or newton physics, outdated and incorrect.
(I think the left-right stuff is a distraction. Where is communism? On the left with the radlibs? No. On the right with the monarchists? No. There is no sliding scale between liberalism and communism as they are completely incompatible with each other.)
My computer is not powerful enough for it D:
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All redditors are bad actors and 99% dont live in my country, so…
More like “buy white”
The white supremacists think trump bailed on them so they are desperate to hold the remains of their fourth reich together
And of course they hate FOSS, because they hate freedom