May want to give that four years or so. It’s just going to be predictable, depressing slog with no avenue to affect change between here and there
May want to give that four years or so. It’s just going to be predictable, depressing slog with no avenue to affect change between here and there
Very true. I’m behind the US lens on this one so it’s easier to speak from what I experience. I know it’s… bad… elsewhere.
That’s… disingenuous. Lot of stuff happened between those points, including the murder of homosexuals for the crime of existing.
The LGBT community keeps the fight up because complacency gets our rights taken away. Justice Thomas has explicitly stated that gay marriage is on his list of wrongs* to right. To say nothing of Project 2025.
I’ve no significant opinion of India beyond anti-Modi, and that’s a product of John Oliver. Most of my engineering team are Indian and some I like, some I tolerate. And a fear of Indian traffic by reputation alone.
But you could swap “American” with “Indian” in that first paragraph, change nothing else, and it be largely (if not entirely) accurate.
My grandmother was the county coroner for a while. She was a pharmacist professionally. In those places, it’s more “give it a quick kick and say they’re dead” (she never did that) more than anything else. She only declared death, not attribute cause to my knowledge.
The other part of it is that, for whatever reason, in my county the only higher arresting authority than the sheriff was the coroner. It was her job to serve him with papers when he was being sued and, not that it ever came up, arrest him when it needed done.
Weird system.
You’ve done the world a great service.
Kill it with fire
Maybe (as in I would have to check, not that I think it likely) at highway speeds. But in any low speed area, vehicles without gas engines can be sneaky.
My company was working on an electric bus and I saw a driver sneak up on an engineer with the aforementioned city bus. They actually, legally (in some places) need noise makers at low speeds to deal with this.