(definitely not a lawyer) If you play multiplayer games (especially ranked stuff) you might be going against some “no botting” rule of that games tos.
(definitely not a lawyer) If you play multiplayer games (especially ranked stuff) you might be going against some “no botting” rule of that games tos.
the german version “Übermorgen” is widely used in germany.
Is a local ipfs cluster perhaps the best way here, or does that also connect itself to the global ipfs? https://docs.ipfs.tech/install/server-infrastructure/#features
This is one time i know God was involved. Other times things i did had negative consequences just because they were objectively bad decisions from me.
For me its a combination of learning it since childhood and experiencing minor things that i can’t explain differently.
For example once i had a thought in my mind that i should go home that evening when i see the clouds. Later at the bbq i remembered that and looked into the sky and saw some clouds in the distance and just knew that these were the clouds. But it didn’t looked like it should rain, and the weather forecast was also clear. So i stayed. Later when i went to the train, a huge number of people from a heavy metal concert that just finished came, and enough people wanted to take the last train that day that some didn’t make it inside. If i had gone home when i saw the clouds, i wouldn’t have been in that overcrowded train.
Also for me my faith looks consistent internally and with other stuff that i see.
I have the backup codes for the accounts on paper. This is not the same as the initialization qr codes, but it should also work.
Over the year, the starts shift position. They rise about 4 minutes earlier every day. So some stars you can see now will be invisible for you in a few months.
For me the link works. :(
probably http://sauerbraten.org/
I was on reddit when the api changes happened, after that (and the canvas) i deleted my account over there and went here.