Then OP should have said so in their statement.
Then OP should have said so in their statement.
I don’t know why anyone would down vote this. It does answer OP’s question. Now whether you would enjoy serving living in a tin can with 200-5k of your closest coworkers is an entirely different question.
Any time! I make typos constantly, so feel free to point mine out in turn.
frpm me?
Too late, cautionary tale learned. Jk.
As now you play Skyrim
I can’t link to the communities right now, but I enjoy superbowl, bats, and foxes
What will those crazy Newfies think of next?
So, this really depends on where in the US you are going to speak Spanish. It’s going to vary based on the community’s make up. A place with higher Porto Rican people is going to have a different Spanish than a Guatemalan community or a Peruvian one.
So try and do a Latin American Spanish focused class and be prepared to be wrong when you actually talk with folks.
Pour one out for Sir Kitty, Knight of the Sofa, Protector of the Treats, Lord of the Snuggles!
Honestly, I’d more judge you for microwaving tea.
I know I sound like a corporate shill, but check out Cleveland Kitchen brand sauerkraut. It’s not as good as homemade, but it’s worlds better than that nuclear waste found in the questionable meat aisle of the grocery store or the cans.
In case you have any other questions.
And if VPOTUS is unable, then the US will follow the Presidential Succession Act of 1947
To be fair, it has been holding off nuclear war since 1949.
I’m going to carry that weight.
I say this with the deepest respect for the King of Ragtime, but Joplin has been dead for over a century now.
If you want to do it the hard way it’s time to watch CSPAN, CSPAN2, and CSPAN3. It’s the only way to see what Congress is doing straight from the horse’s mouth.
Plus Old Ted is an unreliable narrator.
Old Ted is trying to justify to his kids why he wants to bone one of his best friends’ ex wife,
The show really should be renamed Why I Want To Sleep With My Old Crush.
I think another thing the other posters haven’t hit on yet is that Americans pay income taxes in two forms: one to the Federal/National government and then one to the state/locality government in which they live1.
Your taxes are “progressive” where each level is increasingly higher rates. So for example,2 let’s say you make $50,000 dollars a year and you’re filling as a single adult. The first 10 grand don’t get taxed, so you don’t owe any money yet. The next ten grand are taxed at 10% so you owe the government 10,000*.10=1,000. Then the next 10 thousand dollars are taxed at 15%, so you owe the 1000 from before plus an additional 1500 for a total so far of 2500. We continue this pattern until you have no more income to report.
BUT then! You also have credits where you tell the government that you can take X dollars of income off your total income because you did something they liked, such as gift to a tax deductible charity, had a kid, bought an EV, whatever.
So the goal with Americans is to go around collecting credits to lower their income to be the next level lower and collect a bigger refund. The government makes money holding the refund and collecting interest off it.
yes there are states without income tax, but let’s not dwell on that. The states that have income tax work just like the federal ones, except different rate thresholds, credits, etc.
all the following numbers are made up, this is not legal or tax advice, never believe anything you read on the Internet.