ah oui l’IA comme dans les magasins amazon où c’était des employé.e.s qui regardaient les flux vidéos depuis l’Inde, payé.e.s au lance pierre
Cats, Pastry, DIY, Webdev, Photography. Trans rights now! Fuck all nazis.
ah oui l’IA comme dans les magasins amazon où c’était des employé.e.s qui regardaient les flux vidéos depuis l’Inde, payé.e.s au lance pierre
merci, super problème j’ai bien aimé y réfléchir :-)
so far just a casual “fuck elon” drawn in the dust with a finger, but i’ve seen photos of spray painted swastikas and there’s this website where you can order stickers for free to cover teslas: https://www.stopelon.eu/stickers
we’ll see, our area is really quiet and we have good relations to everyone living around, but it could happen anywhere when parking in town.
yeah i’m conflicted about it, we have a leased tesla through my so’s company and 3 years left on the contract. it would cost so much to get out of it right now that we can’t seriously consider switching the car. but we wake up every day wondering if we’re going to have to scrape off stickers, or wash a fresh spray painted artwork off the hood.
that sucks so much because we really enjoyed that car, and nothing really came close on the market when we got it. Polestar or Ioniq look better and better and we will probably switch to one of those when we give the Model 3 back.
because the police has army grade weapons and vehicles and will wreck dissidents like its Tien An Men 2.0
that picture exactly
we named our first electric car “White Fire” as an hommage to the launch roller coaster “Blue Fire” in the theme park Europa Park (Germany) near where we live.
In January we gave back the white car to the leasing company and got a gray one, which is now named “Greyfire”.
Nice that’s also exactly how I browse Lemmy, so much variety compared to only focusing on communities you subscribed to.
Salt is pretty good, but yeah, mayo it is
le mec fait de l’aéroponie généalogique
tout le monde est content qu’on a brûlé “que” la cuisine et le salon et pas la maison entière, mais ça sent quand même le cramé dans toutes les autres pièces maintenant…
Cet horrible “design” d’un autocollant sur une voiture SUV entièrement zébrée (y compris siège et fourrure sur le volant) pour faire la pub d’une boîte publicitaire
Version simplifiée :
| | Raciste | Homophobe | Transphobe | Pro riche |
| Nouveau Front Populaire | NON | NON | NON | NON |
| Les autres | OUI | OUI | OUI | OUI |
Celui de Julien Odoul ? Enregistrement audio relayé par Libé
Et Gilles Bourdouleix a été attaqué en justice pour ses propos mais a été relaxé en cassation
C’est parce que les propos de Gilles Bourdouleix n’ont pas été “tenus à haute voix dans des circonstances traduisant une volonté de les rendre publics” https://www.francetvinfo.fr/societe/justice/hitler-nen-a-peut-etre-pas-tue-assez-le-maire-de-cholet-nest-pas-condamne_1716723.html
Faut accepter que si 5-6 partis se partagent les circonscriptions, faudra faire des concessions. Que cette bataille d’égos se calme un peu pour ne pas se faire bouffer par les fachos
“teledildonics” is the most glorious word i’ve ever heard :D
my reply was more a comment on Adam’s nickname ^^
Of course, when you’re young you don’t think about it, then comes the time that your grandparents pass, or a pet, and you get to experience a form of grief. As time goes by, you start losing more people you knew, a school friend, a work colleague, an aunt… And eventually death comes closer and takes away your parents, your social circle shrinks, you think of your own mortality.
Then you eventually think what will happen when you disappear. What if it was tomorrow, when crossing the street? What will people you leave behind remember of you? How can they deal with your stuff? Can you make it easier by lessening the amount of stuff you hoarded? Can you put down the important information to your online accounts somewhere? Will they be able to let the friends you made over the internet know that you’re gone?
Statistically, I lived half my life, and those thoughts come and go. I look at stuff in my cupboards that i haven’t touched in years and decide what to do with them. I start making preparations for the legacy of my many accounts for social media, banking, internet hosting, image backups etc. We’re all here on borrowed time.
Das letzte Hemd hat keine Taschen.
German saying: the last shirt has no pockets.
What you wear on your last day on this Earth doesn’t need pockets because everything stays behind after you die.