Whoever is in charge o blackrock
Whoever is in charge o blackrock
Hey for the record ive been banned for saying this perfectly proving my point.
Fuck i really must the spastic cunt.
Just say retarded u friggin retard.
I have a tendancy to call people cunts. Idk why the americans get so mad abt it for me its just a common greeting.
Your mother is a hamster and your father smelt of elderberry.
Not my comment history i spend a lot of time arguing with people.
I do have to say the person responding to me has an excellent taste in lemmy comments.
Most of the marketing about skin protection is bs.
And sunscreen is also probably better for said protection than some special bs shite.
And yeah medical reasons is a whole different thing entirely.
The centralisation should be fine but definatly something to keep an eye on.
Same here. Most if not all the moisturiser marketing is complete and utter bullshit.
Also btw soap isnt actually that good at cleaning u (it is effective at killing bacteria tho) most of the cleaning comes from the fact that after u put soap on something it feels gross till you wash it all off with water.
What do u think shampoo is its soap with a liquifaction agent it does the exact same thing just with double the price and fancy marketing.
Skin care products are required to get no government cetification on their claims. Hence its mostly marketing and giving/taking advantage of people with self image issues. Its the next step in consumerism to take advantage of mens wallets in the same way the beuty industry has been doing to women for years.
Soap and water will clean practically anything and if ya need it maybe some dirt cheap moisturiser for literally any part of your body will do the trick. Hell u can probably find something in ur kitchen that will do just as good of a job as any bullshit product.
Dont buy into the marketing mens beuty marketing is perfectly correllated with self image issues its all designed to make u a good little consumer.
Honestly the best thing u can do for your skin is go swimming in the ocean once a day.
I try get news from a variety of places i do like reading opposite slants on the same events its kinda interesting tbh. Look man those who turn i blind eye to political games will be used up and spat out we have to be informed else face being abused/used by those who are.
I get a total vote count for my comments and posts up and down its not made into one big scoreboard but its definatly something i can see.
And would have a strong left spin too it.
Unfortunalty i need insta to talk to people. Wish i could kill it tho
Any system of power is seen as oppression by those who dont beleive as long as people can choose their flavour of oppression we should be fine.
Ahh they are withering a slow and painfull death not our problem.
Religion died the day they invented the scientific method.
Not this one lemmy.ml is to be avoided for censorship reasons.