Are there any good games already on flathub?
Yeah the tmobile app is wonky, but at least the message and call go through regular call/sms. It’s been pretty good so far.
They for whatever reason always make me look ugly and out of shape.
The dressing room mirrors
Thanks for the thoughts. It’s mainly to keep track of and communicate with her when she’s playing in the community and at school. My biggest concern is that she’s going to get distracted with the watch and get in trouble at school or at home.
I sort of feel like I’m walking in a tunnel that gets smaller and smaller as I walk.
I’ll check this out, thank you for the recommendation!
That makes total sense and gives me peace, thank you! Do you have any resources on how to handle the emotional side properly that I could learn from?
My first Linux distro was Ubuntu 5.04 that I got from a free magazine cd from my university.
Yeah the boy told her these things, and we went to the principal with this and asked them to not punish the kid but instead give him the help he needs. Since then I’ve seen him get his own desk near the principals office and apparently he studies from there a lot. I still don’t know whether that’s good or bad, but the last we saw him there, he was waving at my daughter with a smile on his face. So he doesn’t seem to be minding it.
Thank you for the perspective. We’ve gone ahead and enrolled her in the HAG school, but I’m still concerned about her social skills, because apparently she’s only gonna interact with the same 10 15 kids every year. Hopefully she comes out in top socially as well as academically.
I normally like red and yellow, but I think this time it goes to blue.
Any onvif cameras and blue iris. You can integrate it with AI and get person detected alerts and more.
That’s very helpful, thank you
Well, we had the bright idea of attaching 3m hooks to the inside of the drawer upside down, and hanging grocery bags from the outside to act as trash bags to swipe vegetable peels off the countertop (if that makes any sense). Coincidentally, we’ve decided not to do that anymore.
Ah, inside front. That makes more sense than what I understood lol.
Thanks for the advice. It’s a coconut cracker.
Thank you for the advice. The cabinets are supposedly only 3 years old (came with the house). The particle board on the front side seems too damaged. Would a regular piece of wood work?
What’s the best way to remove the staples? And do you mean adding two l brackets to the front side of the drawer facing into the drawer?
I just installed this game from postmaster on my r36s handheld retro console, and I’m having a blast with this game!