Yeah it’s a bit gollum, a bit Disney’s Quasimodo, a bit Hannibal Lector. But the pose and the lighting is from something and I don’t know what.
Yeah it’s a bit gollum, a bit Disney’s Quasimodo, a bit Hannibal Lector. But the pose and the lighting is from something and I don’t know what.
This picture looks really familiar, like the AI was riffing on a famous movie poster or something. But I can’t quite dredge up the relevant memory
Captain EO was the shizz
Okey dokey. I didn’t recognise Moraine Lake as the place name because it’s also the generic term for this type of geographic feature.
Are you offering a correction to the place name, or objecting to me posting the picture?
Someone took the AI to Lake Louise
E. It’s actually Moraine Lake
Withnail and I?
They don’t even need that. They just need it to be credible to advertisers. YouTube don’t really give a shit if anyone actually watches the ads, they just need the advertisers to believe they do.
Makes most sense that blockade runner is a description of the role it’s being used for, same way you can describe any car as a taxi if that’s how you’re using it.
She’s called Sonia, and your last name is The Hedgehog.
I use the edge of my shirt, or whatever I happen to be wearing. I never use any sort of soap or cleaning solution. Works fine. My specs last longer than it takes until I need to get a new prescription anyway.
Winner winner chicken dinner! The ‘official’ answer is 4x3, but who says wizards prefer Pythagorean triples to squares?
Guys will tell you this is five feet
-I cannot allow you before Théoden-King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Gríma Wormtongue. Your staff.
-Hmm? Oh. You would not part an old man from his walking stick?
-It is not by my choosing. Your staff I judge to be five feet, yet no object greater than four feet in length may be brought before the King.
-Then I must speak with the town carpenter.
Later that day, Gandalf brings his staff to the meeting with Théoden. He has not broken any rules, and the staff is unaltered. How did he manage it?
If I hold down the home button on my phone, it launches the stupid Google Voice Search thing. Try as I might, I can’t find any way to remap that function.
Are you thinking of newspeak?
Hey, didn’t I cut a scene from one of those movies? Yeah that’s the one. I want to put it back in. let’s see. Ah crap, that guy there, what’s his name? Jab…Jaffa? He needs to be a slug. Can we change that? What the hell, it’s the 90s, we can find some computer nerd to do that. Needs to be bigger too. Like, erm, bigger than the frame? Will that work? Ah what the fuck keep him man sized, he’s a space monster he can change size or some shit. That bit there - whassname, Sulu, he needs to be standing on Jagger’s tail. Just make him stand on the tail. Cut him out and move him up and down it’ll look fine. Yeah sure, I’d stand on a mafioso’s tail - it’s a power move, they respect that. What’s this scene about anyway? Yada yada, removing the bounty, yada yada… yeah I remember there was something about a bounty in one of those movies. It all fits. It’s like I planned it all in advance.
I have not seen any obvious chatbot posts on Lemmy, outside of jokes like the top comment in this thread. Whereas by the time I left Reddit I was finding and reporting 2 or 3 per day. This could mean
Except it’s not and it won’t. It’s just a fraction of a second pop and done. There’s no sustained reaction because inertial confinement by it’s nature is extremely temporary, and there’s no way to introduce new fuel. If they do some monster fuel pellet that outshines the laser then sure - they can claim a net surplus. If they find some contrivance to keep a reaction going after it’s started then fantastic, well done, the day is saved. But they’re not likely to do that at the NIF because, shhh! NIF is not really about generating energy.
I would bring a sandwich for Gavrilo Princip.