That’s why you create a backup deadman’s switch.
That’s why you create a backup deadman’s switch.
You wanted to ruin your company? Why?
I have 256 GB and have a “family” 2TB iCloud plan. I sync to iCloud for everything and have it set to automatically manage storage. I’d only buy a larger phone if you either don’t use iCloud or if you plan to take a lot of photos or plan to use the iPhone for filming.
It works fine. I’ve bought a couple iPhone pros from Apple to use with different carriers. One with Verizon and the other with cricket and later mint. The main difference used to be that Verizon/sprint phones supported fewer GSM bands than AT&T and T-Mobile phones, which could be relevant in Europe or Asia, but now Apple only sells one model. This time I got my phone from Verizon for “free” by trading in an obsolete iPhone with a broken screen. They claim they automatically unlock the phone after 90 days. It was about $120 out of pocket for a 16 pro.
That’s crazy. We couldn’t even wear polo shirts then and before 9/11 we had to wear ties.
It’s common at the high school level. It’s a byproduct of pandemic lockdowns.
To me this falls more under the category of non profit independent news, primarily local news where all the corruption happens. Report for America, reportforamerica.org, assists these local newsrooms and has a spot on their site that you can search for sites local to you. These local papers are interesting because their individual sponsors are often influential people in your community who believe in democracy and are concerned about the power of corporate media. I just checked out our local online paper like this and see the same names that I recognize for people I know who support the arts.
Did your lecture get you laid?
A friend of mine moved to LA from Germany to work for his German company. German was an option for the test at the DMV. He said the test was gibberish so he turned it in for an English test.
I honestly think their version is not as good as Toto’s. Their cover closely matches the style of the original and they aren’t as good musicians. I was hoping they would make it a Weezer style cover. Toto’s version of Hash Pipe is better than Weezer’s too.
He thought Mike Patton was biting his style! I recently watched the video for Epic and I can kind of see what Kiedis is saying but honestly RHCP never had a hit like Epic before it was released. Mother’s Milk was released a few months later.
Then why are people tripping about saying “you’re welcome”?
I go to DMV. “You need a number to be in this line”. “My mistake. Where do I get this number?” “Over there.” “Oh, I see, thank you.” “You’re welcome.”
It’s a nice reimagination of Albert Hammond’s ‘The Air That I Breathe’.
MacOS XNU Kernel is based upon Carnegie Mellon’s Mach Kernel which incorporated large portions of the 4.3BSD Kernel.
They say pioneers take the arrows and the settlers take the land, but in your case sounds like the pioneers get speaker support! Thanks for the update.
Are you running that natively? I didn’t know it was ready for daily driver use.
I am like you. I have a MacBook and when I needed more power I bought a Threadripper Pro running Linux. I recently bought a MacBook Pro with lots of RAM and disk space that is somewhat redundant to the workstation but mostly just wanted more power for when I happen to need it. I’ve had really good luck with AppleCare. I even got a free iMac to replace a very old iMac that a coworker gave me that had a hardware defect.
The last paid update was 10.8 Mountain Lion in 2012. It seems it was $30. The last full priced update was 10.5 Leopard for $129 in 2007.
Reading this reminded me that my ears are ringing. I can ignore it but if anything draws attention it can get pretty bad.