seconding a focus on sexology; we don’t need another Institut für Sexualwissenschaft incident.
off the top of my head:
- The History of Sexuality (Michel Foucault 1976 – 84 + 2018)
- Transgender Warriors (Leslie Feinberg 1998)
- Gender Trouble (Judith Butler 1990)
- Undoing Gender (Judith Butler 2004)
- Caliban and the Witch (Silvia Federici 2004)
- Black on Both Sides (C. Riley Snorton 2017)
- The Stonewall Riots (Marc Stein 2019)
including all the works of Judith Butler and Silvia Federici.
more academically:
- Kinsey Reports; The Kinsey Institute: The First Seventy Years; and any other expansions on the work of the Kinsey Institute
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Healthcare: A Clinical Guide to Preventive, Primary, and Specialist Care (Kristen Eckstrand, Jesse M. Ehrenfeld 2016)
you can probably farm the bibilographies on these.
also seconding this great comment over in !books@lemmy.ml.