Actually that’s a great place for some “I want to help but I don’t know computers” people to jump in.
My namesake is a human librarian that was turned into a gorilla. All he says is “Ook” and can traverse the library stacks with great ease. He is happy.
I have a pretty strange knowledge set. I’m not super friendly, but I like to get high and link people to stuff. Just pretend I said only “ook”
Actually that’s a great place for some “I want to help but I don’t know computers” people to jump in.
That makes total sense. I was on my way to mechanical engineering when I was learning autocad and autodesk mechanical desktop if you remember that. Now it’s just in autocad. (I guess that’s an example of how things used to unshittify. I bet adobe would bring back MD as a separate product nowadays.)
So if you try to enter woodworking after that experience, it feels right to model projects like that. I had learned a lot of coding by this point. So adding the code into parts for flexibility felt great.
This is going to sound complicated. That’s because I bet you can do this with one click. But I thought it was cool I model a compound mitre angle for a cut using numbers I calc’d on Octave (matlab-like foss). Since I’m just a tinkerer, I could only imagine how powerful that could be for pros. Lots of “where was this when I needed it” thoughts.
I tried qcad around 2010 or so and found the UI horrible compared to autocad that I was used to. At this point in my life, drafting was pretty useless. So I had no reason to have cad unless it was free.
I found OpenScad in Y2020 and was amazed at how far it had come. It felt much more like the commercial stuff, at least to me, who was behind the times anyway.
I was disappointed not to see one. That’s not a ‘no’, but I did look for one.
I just thought in hindsight, my response to you plugging freecad is funny.
It’s like you took me into your workshop with all these benches, and I just point at the openscad bench like a caveman and grunt “scad”.
Thought I’d ping you. I checked out freecad and posted some initial thoughts here.
I remember playing with qcad. It was awful, but it was the best FOSS CAD I found. AutoCAD was unrivaled from when I learned it in 1999 and remained that way until I had drifted away. I think I played with qcad around 2011.
I found OpenSCAD about 3 years ago, and it knocked by socks off. I’d like to see how mature FreeCAD is now.
In my high school, we had semesters. The first semester you took drafting, it was on drafting tables with Tsquare, triangles, compasses, and stuff. In your 4 years there, there were 8 semesters. You could technically take it 8 times. I think I took it four. So I had 3 semesters of autocad.
2006 was an easy time for me to lose Windows. Do you remember how much worse Windows was back in 200*? Everything had viruses. There were TV ads promising they could get your computer running “like new”. Viruses were so common that people seemed to think computers slowed down with age.
So I’m ignorant about FreeCAD, but FOSS is so powerful now I’m excited to check it out.
Honestly I do. My workflow is not enviable. I’m a little dabbler. I do like CAD, but I’ve never used it professionally. I have a little, ugly sewing table to prove it.
I learned AutoCAD99 in high school. But I never kept up the skills later.
I learned OpenSCAD to draw models for papers. Or for math problems when I taught. It really is a fun tool to get into the swing of, but I let my skills get rusty and it’s frustrating now.
I’m a fan of OpenSCAD for my woodworking. But I’m not, like, industrial with it. But I can get my work done.
Guess I’ll be sucking the dick of the person who is technically the youngest person I’ve met.
I blame someone else
I doubt this answers your question, but there is famous mathematical question “Can you hear the shape of a drum?” The wikipedia article is neat read.
That was great. It was a lot like Ori and the Blind Forest, I thought.
I really liked the fog animation. It was such a simple effect but it was well done.
I’m going to assume that absolutely nothing was lost in translation, and those words were exactly what the creator wanted to say.
That was pretty much my experience with it. It rocked me so hard that I finally went back to the OG aka Super Metroid, and give that an honest shake. And man, I had an amazing time.
While I know that’s different from an inflatophiliac, that made me think of Katherine Ryan’s story.
Lights on? But you might see something.
Sounds like he had 99 problems and a luftballoon was one.
That’s the worst name I’ve ever heard.
Or turn 2 extension cords into a long one.
But a serious answer is that these are sometimes sold in a kit of adapters that would let you change the head. Most kits like used a normal cord as the base cord, but some used USB extension cords as the base cord. So this is meant to be a replacement part, not useful in its own right.
Ever used photoshop with an undo history? It’s particularly nice for text based commands.