No idea what you’re supposed to do. We briefly rock her, and then put her back down. She tends to fall back to sleep pretty quickly these days.
No idea what you’re supposed to do. We briefly rock her, and then put her back down. She tends to fall back to sleep pretty quickly these days.
Oh, for sure. We do some awesome tea parties, while rocking fairy wings, unicorn horns, and tutus. No shame, here.
Mine aren’t old enough for me to know yet. My oldest (3yo) is really into unicorns and princesses right now. Not my cup of tea, but I know most of the words to the entire Little Mermaid soundtrack now.
Last night my 3 year old casually gets out of her chair after eating a snack, and in the most nonchalant manner starts walking towards the bathroom saying, “I’m all done. I need to go poop.” Got a laugh out of us.
My daughters’ grandmothers go by “Mimi” and “Baba.” Mimi has been trying hard to get my 1yo to say her name, without success. Last night, during a FaceTime with Mimi, my 1yo decided to look right at the screen and say, for the very first time, “Baba!”
I had a good laugh at that.
War All of The Time by Thursday?
“You think you defeated me? You think I did not know what I bought for my Wanna?”
We liked the Nested Bean swaddles, with the arms that can be unzipped when they get older. But sometimes it takes some experimenting to determine what works best for your baby.
Super Freak, Rick James
I really hope this is it.
A day by myself with nothing to do.
Frequently stare toward the camera and smirk.
The Pirates of the Caribbean and Star Wars crossover we’ve all been waiting for.
Depending on the reason, maybe a heartfelt story on GoFundMe?
Fish would absolutely evolve into octopi.
I’d walk to a lemonade stand to see if they had any grapes.
Hello. Proud parent of a 2.5 year old and a 6 month old here.
At 13 months, that kid is probably getting the hang of walking. They very well might not stop exploring for the entire time, other than a 1-2 hour nap or bedtime depending on what time you’re babysitting.
Ask the parents about nap/bedtime schedule, feeding schedule (they are likely still on a mix of bottle/milk plus food, though, maybe not), and if screen time is allowed. I’d imagine they’ll give you all that info without you having to ask, but you never know.
The key is to be aware. At 13 months, they might try to get into every drawer, cabinet, dog bowl, garbage bin, etc. they can find. They will also head straight toward any stairs you might have. Don’t let that kid out of your sight. Other than constantly trying to seek out danger, it shouldn’t be all bad.
Don’t put your finger in the dog’s butthole, please.