What’s the advantage of rofi over just using the gnome shell?
What’s the advantage of rofi over just using the gnome shell?
Where’s the wallpaper from?
You are someone in need. You’re not sponging resources. These resources are there to be used by someone who needs the help. You do.
You’re also not your mother.
You are around 20 years old? Means you likely have many more ahead of you. I had a couple of massive twists and turns in my life. Some within, some outside my control. I know enough people who will say the same. You simply don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Anyone who claims to even know what exactly the weather will be like in two weeks is just not telling the truth, let alone what a human life will be like tomorrow or in a few years.
Keep going! You only have one life. You don’t know what’s coming.
Sure, life can be incredibly tough, and it’s understandable to feel overwhelmed at times. However, unlike a painting, life isn’t a static object. It has ups and downs, and even when things seem completely ruined, there’s always potential for change, growth and even thriving. I actually have a little experience with that.
Staying with your analogy: if you spill ink on a painting, you might see it as ruined at first. But some artists use those accidents to create something new and beautiful. Like so, life can take unexpected turns, and what seems like a disaster now might lead to new opportunities. I am the person I am partly due to troubles and disasters in my life. Could I do without those? Sure. Should I? Not sure.
That all said, if you’re feeling like ending it all I can only encourage you to reach out for support. Talking to friends, family, or a mental health professional in your area can make a big difference.
Your life is valuable. You are important and valuable.
You’re not alone. Definitely not with life. There are people who care about you and want to help.
There’s no one answer fits all.
On life? Never. On your goals? Depends. On self-destructive behaviour? Now. On those you love? Never. On business ventures that don’t take off? You tell me.
Point is: life is rarely black & white. Treat it with the color and nuance that makes it what it is.
Thank you for asking.
In my particular use case we need strict access control.
Really depends on the situation.
More reading if you really want to know: https://www.theknowledgeacademy.com/blog/svn-vs-git/ https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/svn-vs-git/
Curious why a woman’s long sleeve shirt shows up when searching for “Chandelier”. Algorithms never cease to amaze.
At least they’re moo-ving.
Big Oil puppet.
Can’t help but feel sorry. Not his fault that he was raised in a Neanderthal cave.
Clearly you’re part of the problem.
Enjoy your ignorance while the planet burns!
Climate change is a hoax!
Not all heroes wear capes.
This. So much this.
Balancing multiple interests and projects is not easy. Seems to me you need some balance.
Just some ideas that help me get stuff done.
Prioritizing. Identify which project or task is most urgent or important to you right now. Focus on that one first before moving on to the next.
Realistic Goals. Break down your larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks. This can make them feel less daunting and help you make more steady progress instead of leaving them entirely. Also be realistic in how many projects you can handle.
Scheduling. Allocate/schedule specific time blocks for each activity. For example, dedicate certain hours of the day to game development, writing, and leisure activities. This keeps one organised and helps progress on all fronts.
Limit Distractions. If you’re easily distracted, fix that. Minimize interruptions during your dedicated work times. Stay focused.
Otherwise take regular breaks, don’t expect perfection of yourself and share your tasks with someone to help you stay balanced.
If it’s extreme, consider getting professional support. No shame in that. Quite the opposite.
Edit: spelling
For the rest of the world: 12 feet = 3.66 metres 45 pounds = 20.45 kilograms
Or to round the numbers a bit: They have a leg span of up to 3.7 metres, though their body is usually just 37 centimetres (15 inches) wide. They weigh about 16 to 20 kilograms.