Your game looks really fun! I’ve also played OpenRA before and it’s really good.
Your game looks really fun! I’ve also played OpenRA before and it’s really good.
Sad if it is Windows only.
Just installed it and I like it already!
I haven’t played Wesnoth (I really should lol). What’s it like?
That actually looks amazing.
I can’t believe I forgot to include 0 A.D.! Can confirm, it’s really fun.
Will do!
It does. Trust me, it does…
This is SwayWM. I’ll edit the details comment.
It is.
It does make me feel a bit sick sometimes lol.
Thank you! (-:
I can’t find the original link to the wallpaper, but here is the oldest result on TinEye.
Alpine really does breath life into old hardware. It performs way better than on Windows.
It can make you feel sick at times lol.
Thank you!
That’s horrifying. In a good way.
I’m using rofi-wayland.
Thank you for letting me know! Indeed it does appear to be much better than Pingus.