If you mean Tony Todd, then yeah. I met him. Very nice guy. One of very few celebrity encounters I’ve had that was positive.
If you mean Tony Todd, then yeah. I met him. Very nice guy. One of very few celebrity encounters I’ve had that was positive.
Posting a selfie of himself holding a burger and a pop next to the “No food, no drinks, no photographs” sign in the secure datacenter?
A whole team called in sick on the same day, went camping, posted pics to Facebook, shared the pics at work the next week in front of the boss.
I ran a mediawiki for almost exactly that for a while on a really old computer that was collecting dust. Eventually I turned it into a VM. I still have it somewhere… You could totally host that on linode or digital ocean.
There are a lot of problems, but there are a lot of things we aren’t worrying about now, either. AIDS was killing millions, and there was no treatment. The Satanic Panic. People were exposed to lead and asbestos everywhere. Duck and cover drills in schools for when the nukes went off. I mean, we’re all scrambling to figure out how to stop climate disasters, but then they were scrambling to stop some nutter on either side from pushing a button and ending the world! Where I come from, they still took kids away from their parents for the crime of being Aboriginal! Things change.
I choose to be optimistic. All through the twentieth century, overpopulation and mass famine were looming spectres, and better crops, phosphate fertilizers, falling birthdates all led to us not really being that worried about that. Read Stand on Zanzibar.
Crime rates are down all over the world.
The inequality? 1920’s. The FTC and the EU are (finally, IMO) taking big tech to task for their monopolistic behaviour. It’s moving slow, but there is starting to be the political will to address the challenges.
Things go in cycles.
I am in school, and make heavy use of Teams and Office, and do just fine in Linux! 365 on the web, Libre Office, and Teams in a Flatpak. My instructors can’t wrap their heads around it. I’m the only one in my program! (IT, no less.)
The two things that popped into my head are Immich and Nextcloud. I think Nextcloud is generally more useful, but Immich is more specifically targeted at Photos. As for how to synchronize it… Syncthing? Personally, I hate setting up Syncthing and so I don’t really use it myself anymore, but once it’s set up, it really does take care of itself. Poke the computer once a month to make sure it’s still alive, and you’re set.
You could probably host Nextcloud at one site and just have a client computer at the next site set to auto sync everything.
Been running NextCloud for a while, not for photos, but for just general Google Drive replacement.
I own the remake, and I actually had a fan site for it… And got to interview John Freaking Carpenter for that fan site, as he did the music for Sentinel Returns. It was exactly as awesome as it sounds.
Sentinel… From waaay back. Like, Commodore 64 age. I think it would be a perfect VR game, too.
WildStar got done dirty… It hit at the wrong time, but was so much fun. I could never get any friends to play with me. Le sigh.
Thanks to this post, I’m going to adopt the title of Butlerian!
I worked in telecom for years, and recently left because my company decided to automate out a bunch of positions by using their shiny new AI. It suggested carrying 300 Amps at 50 volts (DC) several hundred feet with 14 gauge cable. (Electricians, go ahead and laugh.)
I went back to school, learning IT support. Most of my classmates are fresh out of high school, and they’re all using Chat GPT like my generation uses Google. But instead of googling the answer and then figuring out how to make it work and testing the results, they just stop.
Chat GPT says to use this config? They use it. Of course it doesn’t work.
Over and over, I have classmates asking me why their Copliot generated code isn’t giving them the right answer, or why their server process is failing to start.
I fear for the safety of a world where the tech support is provided by people who never learned how the tech runs, never learned to read, test, experiment, fail, and try again…
So yeah, Butlerian. points at my face
That made me laugh!
What I know: https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/A_guide_to_mdadm No need to do hardware raid, mdadm is great. I got an HBA card off of art of server on eBay, and have ungodly amounts of disk. Also, am ungodly power bill… You can stick regular SATA drives into a SAS Bay, but not SAS drives into a SATA bay. Some HP equipment is bitchy about non -HP drives, cards, etc. I saw a fair amount of “Do RAID 6!” But I found on my hardware that RAID 5 and a hot standby was moderately faster. Try not to mix drive sizes, it messes things up and wastes space. Have fun!
I’m not a windows guy, but I sync a lot of my files with NextCloud. It’s free, and I’m sure someone has a way to do it seamlessly with Windows. Maybe a VirtualBox VM with NextCloud in it? Is there a Windows implementation of Syncthing? Those would be what I’d try.
That sounds like a student project if I’ve ever heard one… What’s the FOSS project?
Yup! It fades it out really quick, but it comes back within minutes. My tinnitus has gotten a lot better lately.
My Dell does that! If I load a large image, ‘squeal’! Bought it used though, and anytime someone sells something, there’s a reason they’re selling it.
It’s funny, I had a horrible toxic job for way longer than any sane person should ever have to deal with, and one aspect of it was dangerous noise levels. We complained, and the company always sent “independent” inspectors who always found that the noise levels were juuuust inside the legal safe limit. Even when they added enough equipment to double the volume! Funny that… Anyways, I am now over six months gone from that job, and I just realized that my tinnitus is way better than it was! Ditto my mental health… Now I just need a winning lottery ticket or a not-soul-sucking job…
I have tinnitus and it sounds just like power supplies, except it comes from nowhere. So, when I hear the squeal, I turn my head. If the squeal noise follows the movement of my head, tinnitus. If it stays put, power supply!
It’s like skunk and pot! (I’m in Canada, it’s legal and everywhere.) If I smell it, I look around. If I see a burrow, skunk! If I see a dozy looking dude with red eyes…
Eat the crust, leave the rest.