I’ve only had beef with a single dev ever. The maintainer of Prometheus, Brian Brazil, or whatever his name is. His attitude is so shitty towards people proposing actually good ideas that would push his product forward.
I’ve only had beef with a single dev ever. The maintainer of Prometheus, Brian Brazil, or whatever his name is. His attitude is so shitty towards people proposing actually good ideas that would push his product forward.
If a human is part of nature… Isn’t being killed by a human a natural death?
Why do you care what other instances think about it? I’m honestly asking and expecting an answer here. This isn’t a sassy question.
You built a wall and now you’re asking people outside of that wall what it feels for you to leave. Well, I’d care if I could see what’s inside the wall, but I can’t. I tried subscribing and it was impossible.
So why do you care what people outside of your wall think? Again, I expect an answer here.
I do love Linux. You got me there.