the web version is intended to work on all platforms without compilation.
a html file-input is simple to add on a webpage. when selecting a file, its loaded into memory. at that point you can encrypt that file and sent it over webrtc… voila; p2p encrypted file transfer.
my approach to a mobile (ios/android) version is using capacitorjs/tauri… its basically a native wrapper with a webview.
P2p encrypted file sharing is sadly still an unsolved problem
thanks for your input, but can you explain what you mean by “unsolved problem”?.. p2p encrypted file transfer is demonstrated in the app.
its browser based. it uses webrtc to create p2p connections between browsers. concepts like authentication takes the form of using cryptography capabilities of a typical browser. the storage of data from messages to encryption keys are stored in indexedDB as provided by the browser of your choice. there is an emphesis on client-side browser-based capabilities in all parts of the app.
matrix is a good peer reviewed and generally reccommended solution. this project isnt intended to replace any existing solution. there are many other similar projects out there, but i notice there arent many presented as webapps. this is my attempt.
My app is different because the auth is handled between peers. So it could only every be people you shared your ID with. Security is important for me on this project. Its more important than the app being popular.
People should not connect to strangers on this app because of the potential risks of IP exposure… But between people you trust or between your own devices, it should work as expected for testing.
As for allowing links with expiration, you basically have that already with what looks like the login/logout functionality. There is no actual registration, it’s just a UI for creating and deleting crypto random ID profiles.
Lemmy and the fediverse is a good idea. The federation makes it so I can see Lemmy posts on mastodon. Etc… id like to draw a parallel in my app with the chat-view and the inteagram-view
I don’t think this kind of app could be an alternative to instagram because of it only being P2P with only people you know.
The app is using webRTC which exposes IP addresses, so you wouldn’t want something like a global feed on this.
Immich sounds interesting. I’d like to make time to check it out.
P2P allows for a fairly unexplored infrastructure for content moderation. In this app, the feed of images would only be from people you connect to. For people to connect to you, you have to share a crypto random id.
As a webapp you can clear the site data by logging out. Basically, people cannot randomly connect to you and share things you don’t like.
I won’t be adding anything like a global feed. Only content that you shared or received.
This doesn’t remove the risk of people sending you things you don’t like so I’m all ears for an approach to that. I didn’t make much progress on the following. If there are any hard features you think would help, let me know. I’d like to make some time to create a “block contact” but it’ll take time and consideration to do it properly (so I don’t expect it soon). Things like logging out and being able to backup your profile might be enough, but not as user-friendly as it could be.
I’m sure various factors affect any projects maturity.
I work on the project because I have a curiosity and the ability to try. Compared to other project, a webapp is pretty easy to get started on as a developer.
Thanks. I’ve come across tox before. It’s a good implementation. The aim of my project is not to compete, but more to demonstrate a different approach to P2P technology.
A key detail in mine is that it’s made to work in a typical web browser. While things like chat functionality can be demonstrated in our app. The app is capable to do things like shared xr spaces and shared filesystems… Unfortunately those features are still in need of refinement before they become appealing to users, but it works for a proof-of-concept.
Still not sure what “guarantees” should look like. As a webapp there are some hard limitations on what a website can do on a browser. I guess that needs to be encoded.
I’d like to have all the buzzwords like forward secrecy and post-quantum proof. I don’t know enough to list them all, but keen to see what else I can accommodate. When I say “as secure as possible”, it might be better to interpret that as “aiming for the stars to land on the moon”.
Not sure what it means to “provide some degree of deniability”.
Thanks for the support!
it started of very vanillajs, but i found that users didnt like the appearance. so i added a faily basic implementation of material ui.
existing frameworks were not compatible with the look, feel and funtionality i was after. i still havent achieved it, but im happy with the progress.
its been compared to simplex before im sure there are some similarities. its important to note that i want to make the app more accessible to users by providing it as a webapp. this allows for things like easier network inspection.
thanks for that. its all sage advice.
im happy to proceed in the public with the apps development. i am generally going for a release-often approach with the code and id like to make decisions public early. as a regular js developer, from a security standpoint id like to aim for as secure as possible.
guarantees?.. not sure what this would look like when presenting this publicly. my app is a webapp and the key pillars for its security seem to be:
there are many p2p chat apps out there. i think mine is most similar to: … but i think its important to note, as a sideproject, i am also trying to be creative with what is possible with browser technology to set it apart from what else is out there. to create something bare-bones would not be attractive to users. one of the first things i did on the project is the security implementation and then built the other details on top.
id like to make it clear that the app is using webrtc which requires IP addresses to be exchanged which could result in IP address being exposed when using the public peerjs-server (hosting your own is an option). this app is explicitly NOT for anonymous communication. it explicitly shares IP addresses and data sent/recieved from peers cannot be moderated. the app is using cryptographically random ID’s for profiles to make sure they are unguessable. you should not post your connection data public. it would undermine its unguessable-ness. this is why i have wording throughout my docs to say you should only connect to peers you trust.
there is also the elephant in the room… the stability of my code. id like to confirm at this early stage, it is not only unstable, but there will be breaking changes. i think its important i mention these details to help users manage expectations of the app. the security implication is that the app is not secure because of this alone.
as for the project vision of how and what it does, i have generally expressed it in my reddit, but i find that the vision is not so clear to grasp, its mainly that all the parts will fit together. that is hard for me to explain and harder for anyone to understand without it working how i envision. its hard to explain: “decentralised p2p chat app on a blockchain with shared AR and filesystem on the browser”. from a security standpoint, as secure as possible with javascript.
yeah. i find its difficult to gain traction from security professionals on this project as an individual. because from the onset it is pointed out that im not a cybersecurity professional (which is true).
when looking a security guidelines from things like OWASP i already notice that there are things like having every PR reviewed and other hoops i have to jump through to make the app secure as defined in those guidelines. i also notice there arent any guidelines for p2p apps and if i proceed with my own interpretation, it would undemine the guide. here is a question on reddit on the matter:
your caution is well placed. this app is not ready to replace any existing app or service. it is only provided for demo and testing.
the feedback ive recieved from security professionals is that the project is too complicated to review without a budget (which is understandable). so i think updating the docs is something i will do when i have the protocol and algorithm better defined. (note: i am already planning on breaking changes, but havent found the time to do them.)
it isnt defined well enough to be documented. it is using a combination of the details found in the following links. the project in general, is lacking documentation because it is low prio for me.
Sorry. It’s quite buggy.
What you’re describing might be related to there being 2 tabs of the app running. This results in both reacting to the new-connection-event, but ultimately resulting in a data conflict.
Plugins shouldn’t be an issue. For stronger security, i have CSP headers to try to prevent browser plugins reading data.
If nothing works then the egg is squarely on my face and my buggy app is too buggy.
It uses webrtc for P2P connections.
Thanks. It’s been mentioned before and I’d like to take a look at it when I can make the time.
I’d like to add data encryption at rest, but thats still a work in progress. A previous post on the matter: .
I hope to improve the project over time. A roadmap of possible capabilities can be seen here:
I’m motivated to work on the project because its interesting, but it seems this project is not sustainable open source and so I’m investigating options in how to go forward.
(The chat app repository will still remain open source. Making it close-source would undermine it’s security claims.)