I don’t speak bullshitting cry baby. Speak English bitch. Consider that shower too… 🤢
“He who would live must fight. He who doesn’t wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.” - 18
I don’t speak bullshitting cry baby. Speak English bitch. Consider that shower too… 🤢
BR = Ads like all browsers except off by default and it pays you
BT = Nothing, not part of the browser
BS = That’s just a fucking search engine. What browser doesn’t come with one Lol
BW = FF also has “bloat” like phishing protection except the wallet is actually useful and isn’t just a censorship tool
When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection. Bravephobes love making shit up Lol
I perfectly debunked your argument and my statement made perfect sense. It wasn’t just “No you!”. What a complete and utter projection. Cope harder. Maybe you’re the word parsing bot, When one makes a claim like that (Im a bot) when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection
You both fit that definition, I don’t expect to be given screenshots nor do I hypocritically tell people they can shut up if they don’t like criticism. I’m not what I proclaim y’all are. You should really get better English and learn the meaning of basic words Lol. With the latter you once again appear to be projecting, When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection. Also, have you showered at least in the past month? You should really try… 🤢
A. When one makes a claim like that when nothing indicated such things, its accepted in the community of behavioral analysis that it was a projection
B. Its implied that there will be multiple and that’s irrelevant
C. That’s never happened Lol
D. Only takes you slightly longer to Google it too bitch. Don’t like what I’m saying you can also stfu hypocrite. You also admit its an attack, as is all criticism right after you deny it. I’m not defending anything, just pointimg out hypocrisy which seems to anger lazy fucks like you who want to leech from good developers like myself and can’t be arsed to Google a singe thing
Why do Bravephobes love making shit up and projecting?
Absolutely, the mere thought of a good browser makes you cry
All of that Firefox has its equivalents as well as some of that being untrue as they’re search engines not websites etc
deleted by creator
Says it comes with unnecessary add-ons Comes with 0 unnecessary add-ons
Bravephobes are now just making shit up Lol
Too lazy to just look the UI up and you want others to waste their time giving you numerous UI screenshots. Hypocrite
1 and 2 are both nonsense I’ve already debunked. You just repeat the same drivel over and over. Also when did I say “winning”. Just making shit up. Cope harder Chud and get that constipation checked out as shitting for that long is unhealthy. Expected tbh from someone who doesn’t even shower, I’m sure you have a whole slew of health issues