dude no shit that sucks
dude no shit that sucks
Being a tech savvy person in a science field is a one way trip to becoming sysadmin accidentally.
Alternately and more likely they tried something once and didn’t fully understand it. Now they’re asking questions out of ignorance rather than winning an internet argument in some way.
Their questions are actually pretty straight forward, I really don’t understand the comprehension issue you’re having or why you feel the need to add the incredulous response.
Do you find the need to call people out like this in everyday conversation?
Hey, let me say first off I’m probably talking to you all wrong. You’re an adult, and I’m in the “talk to my kid” mindset with this. I apologize for being crass. Shit isn’t easy, I agree, I have been where you are and you’re not alone. You aren’t. Don’t lean into the anger and envy and darker tendencies humans have in these scenarios.
Especially when you choose to not have one.
I assure you even at the bottom of my deepest darkest depression, after 2 COVID deaths and suddenly finding myself a single father left alone with my son … I still CHOSE the isolation route.
It wasn’t the depression and everything else choosing, it was me acquiescing to the sweet sad embrace of it. It was cathartic but it was also drowning.
I don’t mean this to minimize, it is crippling and debilitating but it is still our choice. When you’re failing to choose to get up remember the choice is still yours and turn that into power for the next time.
Take a chance. The worst case scenario is you stop doing the thing you weren’t doing already.
Life is absurd, make your own meaning and your own purpose.
Embrace your inner princess my dude, ride your unicorn war steed as the princesses champion.
Hobbies is the answer.
Join a gym, go once a week until you want to go more.
Go to trivia at a bar that does it the same day every week.
Find a local club for an interest you have.
Find things that happen on a schedule that you have to show up for.
The problem you’ve described, in my experience, is that it sounds like you don’t have a life for anyone to join you in.
Nothing comes easy, even hobbies, you have to decide you want to do a thing and then do it on purpose even if you don’t want to do that thing in that moment.
You’re allowing their behavior to be normalized, they think it’s ok because you are allowing it to be ok.
Christ alive it’s hilarious how thick the tank fuel is on your breath
All while killing nearly 15 million civilians and undesirables, after being allied to the Nazis and invading Poland and then only going against the Nazis when they kept invading.
The Soviet’s were happy to carve up Europe with the Nazis.
The soviets didn’t win it single handedly by any measure, but funny joke and all.
The Soviets weren’t the good guys, they just happened to be double fucked by their bad guy ally.
GitHub isn’t.
The code on it is.
You could use gitlab, or something else.
RIP Audiogalaxy the best music sharing/discovery service ever.
That said I feel the % of people with *uninformed but fairly extreme in their views” being higher here, but it’s more varied.
Lot more tankies here, that’s for damn sure. This place feels a lot easier to run a social network campaign against fwiw.
So folks this is the difference between good parent and me …. My teenager can save himself, grab the kitties.
Warlords Battlecry series was amazing
Welcome to the philosophy of absurdism.
Life has no meaning, nothing has purpose.
In this freedom find the space to make your own meaning and your own purpose.
You kitty likely had a long kitty life with someone who loved them and who they loved. You created purpose where none existed for the both of you.
I am sorry for the loss of your kitty my dude, I’m sorry you’re hurting.
Right, so be super duper secretive about your observation of them.
If they notice you need to INSIST they’re just crazy and seeing things.
See if you can hire a private investigator